DWC Help


Hello everyone! I have been trolling the forums lately educating myself on dwc. However, I need help with my set up. Currently I am using a grow lab40 tent with one dec bubbler and 6 inch net pot in it. I am run 2x6500k and 2x2700k in a reflector about 2 inches above my plant. I don't know the exact age of my plant but i would say 2 weeks. I used 1 bag seed and transplanted it into hydroton. the whole set up is running and temps are around 70-75 and my humidity is 20%. I just put in a humidifier to fix the humidity problem. The water is bubbling about an inch or so under my net pot and my plant has its first set of true leaves and they are drooping/ curling down and the next set of leaves just started to grow.

I am having some issues with ph. its around 7.5 using the gh liquid test kit. I added 2ml of ph down last night and this morning it seems to have not effected it at all. My tap water has around 220 ppm and I plan to not use a ppm meter and only the fox farm trio of nutes.

Any suggestions for some help with ph and anything else you notice I'm doing wrong? will post pictures later.


Well-Known Member
Im no expert,not even experienced and it wasnt that long ago that I began fooling around with DWC but what I learned fast is a cheap ass ph & ppm meter goes a long way.Ive had mine for years and paid only 20 bucks for it just keep it clean and calibrated.I keep my PH to 5.5-5.8
The other thing is try to get the humidity up more.I had a similar issue and put in a humidifier to get it up in the 40's and bingo,that lit them up!
Im also guessing way to much light to close.Moar trolling is required is suspect and if you seek it you shall find it!


Well-Known Member
what is the water temp in dwc?
i found that water temps kept at 68/70 are best,68 ideal.
are roots showing through the net pots?
humidity needs to come up to around 40/50%
and ph needs to be around 5.8 which i found ideal.
more bubbles the better,never to much.


Well-Known Member
you say water bubbly 2 nches below net pot is the root in the water they need to be and if your ppms and ph are off there probly going to die first get got water very low ppm distill is good at store and cheap you could use rain water then put nutes in so you read no more the 400 ppm then ph to 5,2 water needs to hit roots temp could be a little warmer they like 76 but not the water in 60s degree is good and watch that plant grow if you grew in soil you wont belive how fast it grow in hydro but shit has to be done right the first time every time or you will be calling the coroner. ppm not to hgh 400 or lower is ok, ph in the fives , water temp in 60s, air temp middle 70s if doing only one walmart has a filter pitcher call zero water plus comes with a ppm tester or buy your water i used rain water that i collect just ppm your water springs,rivers lakes all should have good water


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! I have been trolling the forums lately educating myself on dwc. However, I need help with my set up. Currently I am using a grow lab40 tent with one dec bubbler and 6 inch net pot in it. I am run 2x6500k and 2x2700k in a reflector about 2 inches above my plant. I don't know the exact age of my plant but i would say 2 weeks. I used 1 bag seed and transplanted it into hydroton. the whole set up is running and temps are around 70-75 and my humidity is 20%. I just put in a humidifier to fix the humidity problem. The water is bubbling about an inch or so under my net pot and my plant has its first set of true leaves and they are drooping/ curling down and the next set of leaves just started to grow.

I am having some issues with ph. its around 7.5 using the gh liquid test kit. I added 2ml of ph down last night and this morning it seems to have not effected it at all. My tap water has around 220 ppm and I plan to not use a ppm meter and only the fox farm trio of nutes.

Any suggestions for some help with ph and anything else you notice I'm doing wrong? will post pictures later.
First off going to the right section gets you more help specific to your needs.


Next forget the advice from the poster saying cheap meters go a long way. They do not. They are shit and incorrect instruments are worse than no instruments at all. Buy a damned good pH meter and a decent PPM meter. Spend the money or stick to soil grows.

Next you do not say how large your DWC is. Or the res if it's separate. 2 ML might not be squat for pH Down in your case. Your plan to skip the PPM meter is stupid at best - please explain that rationale.

You are set for a bunch of crap and a steep learning curve,


grow is in 5 gallon bucket with tons of bubbles from a decent pump and a couple quality micropore stones. no reservoir, located in unfinished basement type setting in a tent.

Update, went out and picked up a few things

Water temp: 54.3 degrees have heater in 5 gallon bucket now... temp should go up... i hope
PPM: 243

still drooping, hope this will cure it. going change out water with ppm water around 100


Well-Known Member
Drooping and curling down are likely signs of nutrient overdose. You already have the plan in mind - change solutions and start with a lower PPM.


Well-Known Member
iread the atical again t said water bubbly 1 down under the net pot the net pot should be in the water raise the water hieght


ppm of 120 went to 212 since i last checked it. Is it rejecting a ppm of 120? also ph went from 5.5 back to 7. help?