DWC Lowryder - Attitude Seed Bank

Dude, are those lowryder #2's? If they are I'm looking into getting some...they good? How's the high, taste, smell?
Hey hash lover...i'm looking at cfl's...i got 6-42 watt bulbs. i'm looking at a small space (28 in x 20 in x 46 in height. What do you reccomend for seed? something short and stalky....but very, very tasty and high potency. Any suggestions?
Alll the plants i grew in this thread are lowriders... the taste is not like a taste of regualar street/brick weed... i want to say it taste like something flavored silver but i just dont know how to describe it. The high is decent but im not much into getting high anymore.. i prefer a body high over a head high so ive been cutting down my smoking to only once or twice a week at the most

there are some lowriders crossed with blueberry that would be short and very tasty

check out "attitude seed bank" and then go to their lowryder section to see them
Round 4 coming soon... this is what i ordered

1 medium/large mother grow tent
3 strawberry blue feminized seeds
3 chocolope feminized seeds
1 free [FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]UFO# 2 DNA Hash Plant Haze Feminized
1 free [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]UFO # 1 DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk Feminized
i still have the following from the last order
1 free UFO DinaFem Blue Widow feminized
1 free DinaFem blue hash feminized
+ 2 free bagseeds that supposed to be good

alll the seeds are feminized except the 2 from my friend... ill be germinating as soon as i get the tent setup, the seeds in my hand, and after i buy more grow bags, foxfarm nutes, foxfarm oceanic forest... and im going to try to get some sort of carbon filter and fan.... im going to try to plant all 12 seeeds in this next round.... none of them are autoflowering.. they are simply feminized.. so ill prob have a short veg and long flowering ..
i got a carbon filter but no fan yet... the dam fan costs 100 bucks and i cant afford it till these fat chicks come over so i can whore myself out to them
He might get more business though if he keeps his prices down.
but there fat, ewww
(no offence to anyone but im a 120lb white boy that should stay far away from fat girls)the ghangters round here love the large ones, leaves more prime rib for the rest of us!
Green, what's up dude? I've been kinda busy lately, not much time to post. Have you got your new stuff yet? I made some cannabutter a couple days ago but have not tried it yet. I've got the stepdaughter looking into things to make. She loves to bake and loves to get high so I figured she would be great for that project. But I think I'll do some Green dragon next. I've made it before but cooked it down to remove all the alcohol and smoked it. If done right it's really good. It's going well here, plants in flower are doing really well for the most part. One of the lemon haze looks a little funky. Not sure what the deal is since the other 3 are fine. Last harvest total with all plants harvested is a little over 22 oz dry.
i was looking at your profile, when making butane oil, put your container(that catches the oil) into a larger container with a little but of hot water
no need for warm weather, i do it like this in the winter but I hate the cold outside.

22oz is very nice, dont smoke that all in 1
Hey 400, ya I'll try not to smoke it all at once. That's a good idea with the warm bowl. That's not butane though. It is an alcohol extraction that I did. I basically made "Green Dragon" but cooked it down to smoke instead of drinking it.
yo hash.. i just got 6 seeds and fucked up 5 of them by germinating in coffee filters... they dried out as i left for the holidays and the next day i put sum more water on them and they started to grow but it dried out over night again... i planted them and only one came up... so ill be figuring something out soon and ill get back to you.. ill post pic of my new grow tent later.. peace
That's a bitch about your seeds dude. Maybe try to keep them in something more sealed so they don't dry out so fast. Paper towels would probably hold moisture longer too. Do you have more seeds? Let's see some pics!!
I gave them a few extra days and thought they were dead but infact they came back. When i watered the sprouted seeds the impact of the water must have moved the seeds around in the soil. I found one growing out the top of the bag but along the side of the plastic, just like the mushrooms did on my first grow. So i transplanted it and its rebound and healthy. Overall, I have confirmed 2 dead and 4 that are growing, possibly stunted a bit but growing just fine. Thats 2 chocolope and 2 strawberry blue. I stuck a lemon skunk seed straight in the soil (watering first this time) and Im planting a blue widow seed as we speak.... ill post pic later

That's a bitch about your seeds dude. Maybe try to keep them in something more sealed so they don't dry out so fast. Paper towels would probably hold moisture longer too. Do you have more seeds? Let's see some pics!!
Here are sum pictures... i dont have my carbon scrubber hooked up because i dont want to spend 100 bucks on a fan thats to powerful for what i have. I read someplace that i need a very slow current to properly take care of all odors. The only fans i can find are rated way to high for what i have... my only option is to buy some sort of dimmer switch to control how fast the fan is going or to keep lookin for a smaller fan... the first 3 pictures are "Marinated Marijuana Chicken" and sum butter on the side.. we had that and sum mashed potatoes with cannabutter mixed in them.... it was a very stoney but good meal

EDIT: the brown stuff on top the chicken is the left over marijuana from making the cannabutter... theres no need for this to go to waste.. i also threw sum in my brownies before... i have 6 plant in the room but ive been wanting to upgrade to 10 but i dont know if ill have the room after they grow bigger


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Glad to see you were able to save a few. I've seen that also that the slower the air moves through the filter the better it will clean. You should try to make one with computer fan or fans with the toilet flange. you could do 4" or 6". Or just use one of the duct fans from Home depot or Lowes. I like the computer fan setup better myself, longer lasting and quieter. This is the same as the ones I have, it's 129 cfm:http://store.cwc-group.com/afb1212vhe.html. You can put it together for about $20 or so. Just make sure the adapter/transformer has at least 1 amp per fan. Here's one on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/12V-4A-Power-Su...ZLaptop_Adapters_Chargers?hash=item5881eb612c.
Looking good though, I like your tent setup. Chicken looks good too.
thank you guys for spreading the wealth on so much knowledge...i have read both journals front to back and am very psyched to start my first DWC stealth grow. thanks to you two (hash lover & Greenearth5) and the many other contributors ive pretty much learned what i need to in order to get off the ground. i hope that in a few short weeks i will have what i need to start it up. my buddy does a 23 plant grow using coco and the 1 gal bags that you are using Green. ak47, Island sweet skunk (one of my all time favs...mmm...the flavor alone) and a personal strain he made himself of black domino crossed with heavy duty fruity and he yields close to 2 lbs each harvest (dont get me started, i know it should be tons more but if its one thing ive learned about growing herb its that you got to make sure to have your temps correct. vaulted ceilings will cause MAJOR cooling issues, and high heats makes your plants yield way less than it should) from what i havent learned from him ive learned from you guys and the the things posted on RIU. ive been reading so long that i feel like i know you guys, lol...i hope that i can post along with you in my quest for power and glory....btw Green, thanks for the nudie pics, your girls a hottie. tell her she has fans. any ways thanks again, ill be readin along guys...