DWC Lowryder - Attitude Seed Bank

Hey Dacheezl, welcome aboard. Always great to help get a new grower get going and sticking it to the man. Be sure to post us some pics when you get started. Me, I'm waiting for my Super Lemon Haze to finish. The early samples are very good. Do you believe someone complained about those nice pics of his girl.
Hey Dacheezl, welcome aboard. Always great to help get a new grower get going and sticking it to the man. Be sure to post us some pics when you get started. Me, I'm waiting for my Super Lemon Haze to finish. The early samples are very good. Do you believe someone complained about those nice pics of his girl.

yeah some people are never satisfied i guess...either that or they could have been a gay racist, lol. j/k.

I wanted to post something that i saw today when looking at meters that made me go hmm. i remember a while back with greenearth talking about his fluctuation with his ph going up or down a day or so after he checked it and i read something that might be the answer/cause/remedy for his: its called "Temperature Compensation" (link: http://www.coleparmer.com/techinfo/techinfo.asp?ID=559&htmlfile=phtemperaturecompensation.htm). it seems that its more beneficial than i first thought to have a temp gauge in the res.
Hey man, or it was a girl maybe.
Ya, temps have a lot to do with things. I always kept track of the res temp when I do hydro. I was having problems myself when my temps were to high. It was getting up near 80 sometimes last summer. At the same time I had more plants than my hydro could do so I put some in dirt. Even using beneficial bacteria the dirt plants did quite a bit better. It would take 3 to 4 days for a new mix to stabilize the ph. My combo meter has temp on it also but I used a digital meat thermomitor and stuck the probe through the top of the res so I would not have to get the meter out and just have to turn on the meat one to check it. About $10 at Walmart. I'll check out that link,
Hey Dacheez welcome abroad... i had something happen so i reloacted my grow and dont have time to take any pictures.. i have 5 female plants showing pistols about a foot to 2 foot tall.. im movin out to cali in a few months.. already started selling my stuff and in the process of checkin out schools out there.. not to mention the MMJ shops.. so ill be harvesting before i go hopefully... peace
Green what's up man. So cali huh, sounds great. I'm glad to see you were able to move your grow to somewhere else. Sounds like your plants are coming along nice. Mine are about 9 1/2 weeks now and showing signs of finishing. Lots of pistils dieing off. I couldn't help but take some early samples from the Super Lemon Haze at about 7 1/2 weeks. Very good stuff already and I'm looking forward to seeing them finish. Waiting for the year to finish and then move? Sounds good though, should have some mj friendly schools out there. Be sure to keep in touch after you move. Post us some pics of what we're missing haha.
Ive decided to not go to cali because of the extremely high cost of living. Instead, we chose Colorado. I called a MMj company and they told me that i have the qualifiying conditions to get MMJ!!!!!! The cost of living is no different then where Im at so I know i can make it.... we got 3-5 people going and under the law we can grow 3 mature and 3 imature plants per person... 6 plants totaly x 3-5 people = 18-30 plants total!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ive started selling my stuff already and have the money.. i jus gotta sublease my place and find a new one and ill be set.. ill take plenty of pictures of my plants and the dispensaires once i get there... let me know how that lemon skunk comes out cause mine are still barley showing pistols after 3 weeks of 12/12... im worried that my plants might take to long to flower b4 i leave... hmm it would be a nice gift to someone if that happens lol

How about Rhode Island? Don't know much about it but they are a MMJ state. I don't know what they do or if you can grow yourself or not. I really should check them out since it is so close. Maybe for a day trip or something. Our current governor is not going to run for another term (she wasn't elected in the first place she took over for the last one) and she was the one that vetoed it after it had passed (the bitch). So I'm hoping we get one that is more pro MMJ. Plus I believe I would have a backer to start something good. My SLH took 2 to 3 week to show pistils I think, and are not quite ready yet 9 1/2 weeks but is really good for the early samples. If you can get at least 8 weeks you should have some good weed and not loose to much maybe. I was looking up some info on it and one thread was saying 13 weeks to finish. My veg plants are not ready yet anyways so it is not to bad but they could be under much better light if I could put them in the closet and change the bulbs. I'm waiting for seeds to come because the one I kept out for a mother is not to good for cloning, 2 out of 50!!!!!!! rooted. Maybe I got to spoiled with the last one being so easy. 24 of 24 would root.
things are taking a little longer than i had anticipated to get things rolling, but i made my first purchases today 3 5 gallon black buckets. ive been reading this guys thread on grasscity.com about a DWC system that he has set up via 3 5 gallon buckets (2 plant pots and 1 res) and he was yielding a gram per watt on 400w hid...a very nice strain of WW if i may say so myself. link here for the curious---------> http://forum.grasscity.com/do-yourself/121335-lets-build-bubble-bucket-step-step.html . the thread is over 200 pages so my brain is about to explode. ive gotten as far as page 112 and the redundant questions are enough to kill someone. but what i have learned about it is that it seems to be the fastest most rewarding way for micro grows. and thats really all i want if i could get a g per watt on two plants id be happy. itd be enough smoke to keep us out of the hood and away from the shadies and i could make my money back providing quality shit to my family and friends. next on the list i couldnt decide if i should go with a lighting system like this one http://www.amazon.com/400W-120V-Digital-Light-System/dp/B001GL03LS like a cool tube set up or a more traditional set up like this http://www.bestgrowlights.com/product/FBGL5263 obviously cost is going to be an issue so i really wouldnt be able to do anything above about 350. i gotta say man, i didnt think that growing weed would be so damn expensive. i mean i know its more of an investment, but those quick fixes get you by...well they were getting me by when i didnt live in a city that charges 140 a Q. anyways, if you guys know of any deals or systems that ive overlooked please fill me in with your experience...sorry for jacking green. i hope youve found a place for your new set up.