DWC Lowryder - Attitude Seed Bank

im trying to add some pictures on that soft secrets website and it keeps popin me an error message... ill figure this site out and add you
thks hash. i been soakin up tons of new info. i think i will start some reg seeds like 2 per tent with the autos. ill put them in a month into my ak grow so wen its harvest time ill flower the fem seeds. for my next gro also im thinkin of addin 400 more watts to both tents of hps light. is 1000 watts ok for a 2 bedroom apartment. we both have 2 bedroom apts( me and my lady friend).?.?
is it a top secret grow.. proper air filter and ventilation... remember, running a 1000wat applience is like runnings a big big screeen tv, big stereo system, and computer all at once... so if your 1000watt light is running, ur fridge is running, ur tv is pluged in, ur computer is plugged in... then ur goin to have a huge bill and the usuage of electricity might be a signal to the police.. i dont want to scare of you off of the idea.. alls im asking is to consider all factors of growing and consequences.. then weigh out all the info and draw your own game plan... personally... im in a 2 bedroom apt with a 400MH... 3 small tvs goin... fridge goin.. computer goin.. and ive had no problems (besides medium high elec bill) :) keep us updated

thks hash. i been soakin up tons of new info. i think i will start some reg seeds like 2 per tent with the autos. ill put them in a month into my ak grow so wen its harvest time ill flower the fem seeds. for my next gro also im thinkin of addin 400 more watts to both tents of hps light. is 1000 watts ok for a 2 bedroom apartment. we both have 2 bedroom apts( me and my lady friend).?.?
My guess it was the grow big. If you added it before. Stay away from any chemical nutes for at least the first 4 weeks probably. A little Big Bloom I think would be better. In most programs I see more P-K in the mix than N. The P-K is good for roots and stems and can help a seedling better than N I believe. Plus the Big bloom is organic and much less chance to burn them. I know I always want to give them something too. Try going with some supplements instead, You can benefit by giving them some early and getting them off to a good start. Adding beneficial bacteria would be good too. A product like Sucanat is not only very inexpensive but adds alot of good stuff into your mix. You have read about using molasses, you get at least most of the goodness of molasses plus sugar with Sucanat. And can make you feel better since you are giving them something, but something that won't burn them. It's an all natural sugar that is not processed so it has all the good stuff in it. Unlike processed sugar that has all the good stuff taken out. I'll post a link at the end but you can do some research too. You should see some pretty good wilting before they show damage if they were to dry. I found out by accident a couple times. Ya, you have to start somewhere and getting your stuff into something would sure help. Do any hole cutting in the back and even with a fan or 2 (computer fan) a little noise is just the fridge running right? If you could get a small freezer that was big enough for your light would also be a good way to conceal bigger plants. Just like the small one know one would wonder why a little noise was coming from it. You could even add a lock, just think of a good reason it's locked.


thks hash. i been soakin up tons of new info. i think i will start some reg seeds like 2 per tent with the autos. ill put them in a month into my ak grow so wen its harvest time ill flower the fem seeds. for my next gro also im thinkin of addin 400 more watts to both tents of hps light. is 1000 watts ok for a 2 bedroom apartment. we both have 2 bedroom apts( me and my lady friend).?.?
Heat will probably be your biggest issue. Do you have a good way to vent it out of the grow area? Or just to another room? I use mine to help out with heating the house which helps the heating bill. Got some pics of your grow?
i cant figure the site out... ive signed up.. confirmed my email.. but when i log in to check out my profile and add a picture.. it says pic upload error.. and also i cant figure out where to go to add people.... i havent found .... OH SHIT THERES A CAR WRECK OUT FRONT lol i love living next to an intersection.. just a finder bender but its still fun to watch

But yah.. if you could add me and show me the ropes on that site or point me in the direction of adding you then i would be making progress... ill email you my user name.

Sweet dude, let m know if it works.
They showed signs of small burn before i added the water yesterday. Prior to yesterday I have not added anything but rain water + ph down/up .. that water was only 65ppm.... after i added the grow big yesterday it went up to 600 apx ppm.

Its hard to see the burn in the pic but if u look very closely u will see it....

They seem like they have grown significantly since i watered yesterday :D


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I don't think I've posted pics except in an album on my page. Like I said I didn't post much as you can see, just lots of reading. But I'll try to help. I think they might be a little tighter there than hear. They don't like talk of selling our product. I used to live at an intersection out in the country when I was in NC. Had a couple wild ones there. People would come up fast over a small hill and not see the stop sigh at the main road. And people on the main rd would be doing anywhere from 55-75 mph. Once the ambulance got into an accident taking someone to the hospital. Talk about a bad day for them huh.
lol that would be a total nightmare for the person being taken to the hospital.. i would totally be thinking that the grim reaper is after me

I don't think I've posted pics except in an album on my page. Like I said I didn't post much as you can see, just lots of reading. But I'll try to help. I think they might be a little tighter there than hear. They don't like talk of selling our product. I used to live at an intersection out in the country when I was in NC. Had a couple wild ones there. People would come up fast over a small hill and not see the stop sigh at the main road. And people on the main rd would be doing anywhere from 55-75 mph. Once the ambulance got into an accident taking someone to the hospital. Talk about a bad day for them huh.
I see what you mean. I never had any burn in the foxfarm before I added nutes. And that was with 4 different strains too. Just stay away from the chemicals for now and you should be good. Other than the little burn they look really good. I'll try to post some pics of my auto (nice little buds growing) and the Lemon Haze. They are doing good and have had there second pinch. You could always have a strain like my Purple afgani that doesn't like them strong. But 3-4 more weeks I'll be posting some very nice purple bud pics.
Got the day off today to take the wife to the doctor. Need to go to the store for a script. I'll be back in a while. Did you use the same user name? Bunch of hillbilly's down there where I was. To much incest I think. That shit can happen when you never leave the county you were born in. Meet lots of good people though, just some not to bright. Nice long outdoor grow season though. I could plant in April and harvest end of November. Plants 6-8 feet tall.
I checked the water a min ago and the ppm is only 490... I dont think theres much of anything wrong.. im OCD when it comes to my grow and i want to know everything so that i will know what to do/and not to do in the future.. Hey, what causes the stems to turn purple when they first start to grow... these lowriders have/had nice purple stems when they were 2 weeks old.. yet my DWC plants never had them until late in flowering... also is $10/gram for my lowrider bud a good price? I got 12 grams dry from the last plant and sold 2 grams for 20 last night.. but it looked like a really fat 5 gram bag...its really dence but doesnt weight much .. and took alot of small buds to equal the 2 grams i sold..


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one of these years we will be going to the doc to get a bud script lol.. but hopefully just the local liquor store or smoke shack... my gma is in haveing heart surgery as we speak and we dont know anything for a while.. shes in bad shape right now... if she only had medical marijuana she might live longer.. well anyways i hope ur lady gets better.. peace:peace:

Got the day off today to take the wife to the doctor. Need to go to the store for a script. I'll be back in a while. Did you use the same user name? Bunch of hillbilly's down there where I was. To much incest I think. That shit can happen when you never leave the county you were born in. Meet lots of good people though, just some not to bright. Nice long outdoor grow season though. I could plant in April and harvest end of November. Plants 6-8 feet tall.
The purple stems can be a deficiency (not sure which one) but more than likely it's in the strain. I've had plant purple stems but did not produce purple buds. Wait a couple weeks and try them on a lower ppm mix. Maybe 200 or so. Most all my mixes have some Cal-Mag in them and that is about 200 ppm itself. That's the basic water I start with and them add the nutes. What I'm getting at is that your ppm and mine are not the same. It all depends on what you start with. If I start with my basic water mix (now that's only because I'm using distilled) at 200 and add 400 worth of nutes more to get the 600 I'm looking for. Now you start with 65ppm and add 535 more in nutes to make the 600. We both have a 600ppm mix but you have quite a bit more nutes than me. So if we both took a clone each and gave it our separate mixes maybe yours would burn and mine would not. But we both have the same 600ppm. You see what I mean, not just the water that you start with but what you add to it also. I hope that makes as much sense to you as it does me. Sounds good when I'm high anyway. Just let me know if it doesn't.
I would have to smoke some to really tell a price, or at least see it. $10 should be a decent price but depends on the local market I guess more than anything. I can get $20 easy for mine here. And then $400 oz, $1200 for 1/4lb I don't get it all though most times, I give my sales associate a good cut but still works out good for me not having to be out selling it or dealing out of my house. I didn't want to do that, Just try to stay in the back ground and look innocent. What me??
Oh, that reminds me. A couple friends that we haven't seen in quite a while came over to visit. She is a good friend of my sales person. While the women were blabbing in the kitchen I broke out a small bud to smoke with her boyfriend. After a couple puffs he pulled out a bag and put a couple small buds on the table. When they were leaving he said to keep the small bud that was left. I'm thinking to myself, whatever I have over 1/2 pound in the other room. After they left I wanted to check out the bud to compare and see what it was like. I thought it looked like mine and when asked my sales person they said it was. I guess the point is that it was pretty cool to have someone I didn't know come over and smoke my own weed with me. If I knew when he was here I could have been , "Hey dude this is some killer shit man, damn I'd like to meet the guy that grew this stuff!!!"
one of these years we will be going to the doc to get a bud script lol.. but hopefully just the local liquor store or smoke shack... my gma is in haveing heart surgery as we speak and we dont know anything for a while.. shes in bad shape right now... if she only had medical marijuana she might live longer.. well anyways i hope ur lady gets better.. peace:peace:
My best for your Grandmother too.
2 out of 6 beans have ball sacks... 1 possible has ball sack... the other 3 are either waiting to show their sex or are females
i checked them this afternoon and 3 totally are showing there sexy little pistols.. 2 are totally males.. and one is probably a male but not deffinite .... i did switch to hps and am disasembling my whole grow room during the day time work hours... which sucks

for my next grow... should i either a) get a mother plant and clone her or b) get multiple types of seeds and grow a variety of fast growing plants (possible get seeds this way)


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