DWC Lucas Formula Grow


Active Member
Hi guys, this is my first post and I just want to introduce myself. I have been reading on here a lot laty and I figured it was time to make a post. This is my first attempt at DWC. Below is a general idea of what I'm workin with.

Totes 18 gal (2) 4 pots per tote
floranova grow ( following Lucas form)
12" air stone per tote
dual port acqua air pump
distiller water
400 W MH
6" fan (2)
(2) submersible water pump (only use for top feed whith fresh clones)
ph meter
tds meter
water thermometers
air temp/humidity gauge
ph up/down

Strains: White Widow, Alien Dawg, Tahoe OG
Air temp: 82
water temp: 73 in both
humidity: 25%
ppm: tank 1= 225
Tank 2= 750
ph: tank 1= 5.8
tank 2= 5.8
I am running on an 18/6 light cycle. I started off using tap water (450 ppm) mixed with floranova grow at strength and it fried my WW girls and one alien dog. Lost the alien, but managed to save the WW with a flush (tap water). Now I am goig to use distilled H20 with bloom (Lucas form) instead of tap water and grow. Should I flush with p.h. distilled or just switch over to 50% recommened nutes with bloom (lucas). This is all tank 2.

In tank 2 I started the Tahoe and alien dawgs off in ph distilled for a week. They loved it! Just bumped them up to 250 ppm last night (4ml per gal of nova bloom). The distilled ppm is 0 to start. I think that this gives me an EC of 0.48 on a .5 conversion. Is this to low or should I keep taking it slow? I'll post pics very soon. Sux I lost one girl, but I still have 7 left. WW are burned pretty bad, but I see new growth starting to boom out of the tops and the other plant all look great so far. Any comment, help, or opinions are apprecited! So far I'm learning the hard way, but I'm sticking with it and I'm reaching out to my fellow growers for a little help so this won't be such a painful learning experience. By the way, this is a legal prop 215 grow :-)


Well-Known Member
You want your water temps to be a bit lower than that. 65 degrees would be ideal. Your plants will do much better and you will cut down the possibility of root issues.


Active Member
Thank ou for the advice NorCal. I was kind of thinking the same thing. Chillers are a bit pricey, but I had heard that freezing water bottels and adding them to the reservoir works too. If I drop in frozen water bottles won't that damage the roots with the sudden temp change though?


Well-Known Member
Thank ou for the advice NorCal. I was kind of thinking the same thing. Chillers are a bit pricey, but I had heard that freezing water bottels and adding them to the reservoir works too. If I drop in frozen water bottles won't that damage the roots with the sudden temp change though?

Frozen Water bottles work I use them and I use 5 gallon sport coolers. No it does not damage the roots Just take your plant put it in a empty bucket and add frozen water bottles until you reach desired temp. ( dont worry the roots like the extra air.) A couple guys I know use a different method they tie fishing line and fishing sinkers to thier bottles so their bottles sink to the bottom.


Active Member

That"s a great idea. Sinking it to the bottom with fishing sinkers. Thanks! I just started adding the water bottles yesterday and my water temp has been a steady 68. Aewsome. I noticed that I have algae in my res as of two days ago as well. I added H2O2 in hopes ,that along with the lower res temps, the algae will die off. I checked for light leaks and it doesn't appear that I have any. Just wait and see I guess? Oh yeah, my humidity has gone up to 33 percent and jumps to around 50 at night. I have no idea why, but hopefully it won't stress my ladies out too much. I plan on giong into flower this weekend.


Active Member
Hey guys, a little update. I've managed to keep my res temps down and they are both light proof, but for some reason or other I am still dealing with some sort IMG_1582.jpgof root sime. I have added hygrozyme 10 ml per gallon last night and added 75 ml per gallon of EWC tea to try to combat this slime. I am startinIMG_1586.jpgg the 1st day of the 3rd week of flowering tomorrow. Does anybody know how long it should take to see any reaction from the benificial bacteria?IMG_1584.jpg


Active Member
Harvesting tomorrow. Posting pics a little later night before I chop in the morning. New crop is already a week into flowering. I switched to CoCo for the next round (Sour OG, GDP). I'll be starting a grow journal on this next one as I have never seen anything gow so fast or lush in my life. 3 weeks from clone over 45" tall.


Active Member
085.jpgThe top pic has my sour og in it. She is only 1 week in and getting big! Coco grow on that one. The 3 little ladies are at 8 weeks in and smelling great. I probably could have yielded more per plant, but I had temp/root rot issues in the beginning of flowering. Oh well, I still finished out with some smoke and whole lot of knowledge gained.