Other then that, like I said in earlier post I have never seen that slime thingy on my roots ever, doesn´t mean I don´t have it that I do understand! But could it be let´s say Pythium without slime or how does it work really? Besides that I grow in a small tent DS60 that is in a small apartment so I wonder, if I have the Pythium/slime does that mean I am screwed like forever? ..or for as long as I live here or can it be exterminated and if so what would it take from my side to make it happen?
I mean it, you and rest of you guys writing here are my true last hope at this. I so wanna exterminate this completely though but don´t even know if possible or what it would take? Could be cheaper to swap apartment in the end then keep chasing the cure, but first I will wait out the verdict on the tea cause I have seen one pot with dirt where the roots toke off again so I hope for a repeat in coco now.. Thanks you for everything

and I´m very sorry to take this much space with the wall of text!
I had a similar experience as you. Not sure if its slime, because mine was clear. Not sure if its pythium. Possibly both.
First off, I am just repeating what Mr. Berg has replied, because my questions were the same.
If you have PLENTY of oxygen in your buckets (airstones, etc) and your temps are below 72, you most likely done have pythium (rot). But if you do have thing those things dialed in the way they should and you still are having root issues, most likely it is slime. Slime in my case was clear, and not very noticable until a week after infection. The slime will coat your roots and suffocate them, THEN causing root rot.
So its very possible you have both, but if you have the oxygen in your buckets, and you apply the tea correctly, you should be able to clear up both the slime and the rot.
Once you apply the tea, dont look for healthy roots or less slime. The smell is what clears up first most of the time. it is amazing, my odor was gone in my main rez (which connected to 50 infected plants!) after 10 hours. You will notice foam, varies how much.
Now your roots will look worse, but not smell, depending on how bad/long your roots have been dealing with the slime. Mine looked more saturated and clumped together.... ugly.
I noticed new growth in about 4-7 days, which also varies. That growth should stay healthy if you add tea correctly. maintaining the same temps u brewed the tea in seemed to be very important to me.
As for the statement Mr. Berg made about seeing TEA SLIME (GUNK), it is prob hard to tell the difference for someone who has not been observing/ fighting the slime for awhile. Maybe you should avoid trying to tell the difference between those right now and pay more attention to the other signs throughout the thread.
This is just my opinion, Mr. berg will let you know if he disagrees.
Its a tough problem we deal with on this thread, but if anything works, its the tea.
I am also curious about proper care in transfering soil/soiless plants back to hydro/dwc. I am afraid the damage or stress on roots will cause the slime or something else to attack roots before they get comfy in their new hydro home.