DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes


Well-Known Member
This may be a real dumb question but I got to ask.....Can I take clippings from a plant that has this Brown Slime??? Cause if it doesnt get better and I have to cull the plant I would like to keep the strain around if its ok to clone a plant that has Brown SLime.




Well-Known Member
This may be a real dumb question but I got to ask.....Can I take clippings from a plant that has this Brown Slime??? Cause if it doesnt get better and I have to cull the plant I would like to keep the strain around if its ok to clone a plant that has Brown SLime.


Yes you can, the slime wont come along with the cutting. Make sure to use your fresh tea on the cutting as well to help get those roots growing. cheers


Well-Known Member
Ok I went out adn bought a new res and ran the pump with physan through it and redosed with tea. no sign of slime yet. this is really the strangest thing. I have a veg room and flower room (big house no kids), and tomatoes in RDWC on the back porch, the slime only affected the veg room I fought it for two months just in the one room. Hopefully its gone I'm going to fully switch back to E&F and just use my DWC gear for vegies outside. BTW I use Floramato on my vegies and it works awesome, massive 'maeter's


Well-Known Member
I cant wait to apply my tea today....When I add my tea, should I pour it through the net cup or just add in the res??? Thanks



Well-Known Member
I cant wait to apply my tea today....When I add my tea, should I pour it through the net cup or just add in the res??? Thanks

Both. Obviously you'll want it in the rez, but you want to pour it through the netcup as well to inoculate the root crown for maximum protection and benefit.



Well-Known Member
Tea has been brewing for 48 hours and I put it through the net cup and poured in res! I also added it to my clones too. Its been about an hour and my roots look like they have dirt all over them is this normal? Is that the tea working on the slime???

Also now that I have a few gallons of it, do I keep it brewing with air stones or can I put it in gallon containers put in a dark cool place????




Well-Known Member
That 'dirt' is likely the tea or particles in the tea sticking to the slime. This is what we call the 'after-slime'. Looks bad but healthy. You should see signs of new white roots soon if your tea took down the bad stuff. Good luck!!!!



Well-Known Member
That 'dirt' is likely the tea or particles in the tea sticking to the slime. This is what we call the 'after-slime'. Looks bad but healthy. You should see signs of new white roots soon if your tea took down the bad stuff. Good luck!!!!

Thanks bro, I need it!!!




Well-Known Member
can the plants overdose on tea? Are there negatives that arise with too much tea in the res?
Yes, using way too much tea/biolife will exhaust the water's dissolved oxygen faster than it can be replenished, choking out the roots and potentially causing irreversible wilt or plant death.



Well-Known Member
man, you guys are the best...making my experiment with dwc/uc much easier.

opinions on these roots. I did add liquid karma 2 days ago.



Well-Known Member

dirk d

Active Member
Yes, using way too much tea/biolife will exhaust the water's dissolved oxygen faster than it can be replenished, choking out the roots and potentially causing irreversible wilt or plant death.

what would you consider "too much tea"? thanks.


Well-Known Member
what would you consider "too much tea"? thanks.
more than 1 cup per gallon would be excessive. this amount is really only needed for maximum slime fighting. 1 cup per 10 gallons is a great target for maintenance doses. if you're using a recirculating system of any sort you could probably use even less.



Well-Known Member
man, you guys are the best...making my experiment with dwc/uc much easier.

opinions on these roots. I did add liquid karma 2 days ago.

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Those roots look good to me. I am using liquid karma as well in addition to the full BC pure blend pro line. Its good stuff but it does have lots of chunks that end up sticking to the roots and what not. My roots are never bright white, they are always stained a little brown. Freaks you out a little bit but in the end, the plants are healthy and the roots are not slimy to the touch so something must be working right.

I do have a question for the group though. In my best flood and drain grows I have added quite a bit of pure blend bloom in week 5-7 to increase aroma and trich production. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=pure+blend+compost&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10538556443220344915&sa=X&ei=_Ea4TruOGOLciAKx2rDvAw&ved=0CDAQ8wIwAw

Its basically liquid compost..or so it was once explained to me. I am wondering if it is going to wreak havoc on my DWC set up? Like all those carbs and what not just making things go nuts down there?