DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

once again ...15khz...none of what you are saying makes sense in my experience...if it works for you, whatever, i just cant stand to see people get mislead into wasting their time thinking hydroponics can ever sufficiently sustain organics for a resource effective result, all im saying is to stop wasting organic matter and just use "natural" hydroponic nutes...just keep the shit cleaned every two days and replenish the resovoir and then why should u haf to even bother with making some tea that doesnt even neccesarily even need to be used if you keep on top of shit with simplicity in the mix
Clean the rez every 2 days, fantasies my friend. Pay someone I guess, I work for a living, a real mans job. I dont have time for that crap.
Is it normal for the foam to disappear after 30 hrs or so? It was nice and foamy now it's not. I use ewc, waiting for mail to deliver ancient forest, GW, Hydroguard, and black strap molasses as per instructions. Thanks, you are a dwc master.
Is it normal for the foam to disappear after 30 hrs or so? It was nice and foamy now it's not. I use ewc, waiting for mail to deliver ancient forest, GW, Hydroguard, and black strap molasses as per instructions. Thanks, you are a dwc master.
run a sterile res with pool shock and save your money.
So I started with an line of benificials, seen gunk in roots but not slime so called them. They said root rot, sterilize withered h2o2 and use more of the beneficial so I did, it was way worse. So leave even the hydro bennies out? Everything looked great to me until I called AN. Of course they told me to use more of their stuff, they want my money at $50 a .5 litter!
Sorry about last night. I was fighting with wife cuz I spend too much time trying to fix what was probably normal. Lol. AN u guess scared me by saying pythium
and i wouldn't put too much faith in Heisen's tea. He lost a whole crop to rot not too long ago if I remember correctly.
Sheot, I started it in one but not the other yet. We'll see I guess. Damn! So no h202 per gallon per day? I'm holding off on the shock. What i just read said dead in no time.. drained my pool and the grass died now that I think of it....what do you run? Nutes and sterilize agents? I really want to learn bro
Sheot, I started it in one but not the other yet. We'll see I guess. Damn! So no h202 per gallon per day? I'm holding off on the shock. What i just read said dead in no time.. drained my pool and the grass died now that I think of it....what do you run? Nutes and sterilize agents? I really want to learn bro
the only secret to using shock is you need a digi scale accurate to 0.01 grams.

0.10 grams of HTH pool shock per 10 gallons of water is 1ppm free chlorine.

up to 5 ppm is safe for plants and humans

if you have rot, i'd run around 3 to 5ppm to get rid of it once or 2x a week. then for maintnenance, use 1 to 2 ppm once or 2x a week.

i don't like peroxide personally but many people use it successfully.

if you want to run beneficial bacteria ( i do now just to see how it works), pick up a bottle of Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide. same bacteria as Hydroguard but a million times more concentrated. and much cheaper.
Must admit I have been running RDWC for more than a year now and have tried every beneficial under the sun and still had problems with rot and unstable PH. IMO it is a bit of a bugger fighting on with beneficial's keeping them alive and all that, so I have finally given in and gone sterile mid grow. Things seem more stable already and plants look happier.
I do have digis, 3 sets. Lol. So .05 for 5 gallon rez and I'm good. What I have is not rot. No slime what so ever it was a slight algae I believe or an bennies doing something. I really belief the very first gunk in my roots was Micro that fell out of solution do to me being new on mixing them. No problems no I slowly add first while stiring vigorously. The one I just rinsed the roots in ro water and put into normal solution, no tea or h202 is putting out a ton of white roots from net cup. I'll show pics of the 2 later and the difference is obvious. Thank you all for your help. I'll save bennies and the myco fungi and all for soil in the summer sun. ;-)
and i wouldn't put too much faith in Heisen's tea. He lost a whole crop to rot not too long ago if I remember correctly.

Hygro Hybrid also lost a crop in sterile DWC after about 2 years of success. The best and most efficient way to clean root exudates is for microbes to eat them off. In a sterile res, those exudates will simply keep accumulating and contributing to the slime buildup and eventually, something is going to eat those exudates off.
Hygro Hybrid also lost a crop in sterile DWC after about 2 years of success. The best and most efficient way to clean root exudates is for microbes to eat them off. In a sterile res, those exudates will simply keep accumulating and contributing to the slime buildup and eventually, something is going to eat those exudates off.
most commercial grows run sterile. i had approx 6 yrs of no issues with chlorine.

in your scenario, eventually bad bacteria will outnumber good and crash and burn ensues.
either way works. chlorine in the long run is MUCH cheaper.
How would I introduce it to my rez? Scoop some out and mix it there then slowly add back? One I mixed up last night so that's why I ask. Hate to just dump it. The other I planed to change today anyway do I can just add it before pumping back into my rez. Thanks again.