DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2011

Not running a screen at the moment, but I figured I show you guys what I've got going now. √


Looks Good Psychild, but it would look awesome under a screen.
Try a scrog once and you will see the difference. Great job!

Edit: Very healthy looking roots and good thinking with the party cups.
Just came across this awesome thread. I'm in. I got some clones coming out of the clone machine going into an under current dwc with vertical bare lighting and vertical screen in a few days so ill be posting some pics soon.
Just started 2 weeks on Sunday. Moved to 400w MH on Tuesday. Roots are starting to pop out of the medium. Temps are at 82F, water is 60F and 6.5 ph. Light is about 10-12 inches away.

Looking good Ray!
Not sure if you have a gap between the net pot and the water, but if the roots are in the water then you might wanna put about a 2-4 inch gap. Make them bitches reach a little for the water
Looks like you have plenty of bubble action. Awesome!
We are right there together on days, but I'm probably gonna wait another 3-4 weeks to flip.
Looking good Blu, very clean. I did put a gap between the water and net basket, I wanted to wait a little bit to promote lots of small roots. Like you I may wait a few more weeks. Green House wasn't kidding when they said The Church was a slow grower.