Dwc Scrog


Well-Known Member
i've readed somewhere for a technique that u cut 50% of the branches ..... why the fuck not dude??? :D it's just a damn plant...i'm experimenting with it!


Well-Known Member
ok then say that brotha... hehehe.. I love to experiment... I have a great one for you...

if you notice on this pic...
all the way to the left... you can see how the bud grew a leaf.... Upon closer look you can see how it made the buds disperse and im getting about 3 large buds.. plus the top is still growing....

the experiment i did there was the following....

I topped the BUD>... yes i know..why.... well i heard about this guy that rubbed rooting gel or whatever on a branch...he happend to have it on this fingers... he noticed after a few days that the branch where his fingers touched grew immensely....

So going off of that.. i topped the bud when it was first coming out and then i added a drop of my liquid rooting deal and thats what it did.... i did it to the other side top as well and got about the same results.... I kind of like it.... it doesnt look like traditional 1 big cola... it looks like 3 big colas growing next to eachother like they had there own branches.... I hope you can see what i mean when you blow up the pic....

good luck with the experiment man..


Well-Known Member
i read that post about the rooting gel and thought about trying it! did you do that in veg?
buds are lookin good man

Hey man... Well from the post i read you were supposed to do it in veg.... my dumb ass did it to a growing bud and ended up with great results... I basically fimed the start of a bud...heheheh... then i put a drop of my rooting liquid and blamo.... the results are cool... I would try it int he veg period though if i were to do it again.... I did like the results i got from spliting the buds up... they did get bigger than the other two that are just regular... i might just have to adopt this method the whole time...hehehe...


Well-Known Member
any tips you can give me on topping?
i tried it and i just killed that branch
You know i noticed that on the german post that i put that they cut the branch... I mean i do all my toppings when the new growth is happening.... what you do is with care... pull apart the little leaves (the new growth is composed of two leaves wraping a center leaf/nub....

so you pull the leaves apart gently to expose the little nub... at that point you make up your mind to fim or top....

if you top: take the whole nub off and only leave the leafs that you pulled open a little...

if you fim: you only cut about 3/4 of the nub... leaving the bottom 2mm (hell if that) ... basically you still leave a little of the nub/leaf looking deal.... I wish i had better pics about it ... hope it helps... :joint::peace:

check out the long writen explanation under the german link ...I think on page 3 or 4...
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Well-Known Member
Hello all,

exciting week so far with the purchase of my secret jardin for the new flowering room...

I ALSO, recieved my Hashberry seeds directly from SPAIN. SOOO excited about those seeds:joint:

I am on day 2 of germination so i figured id put them under the lamp.... I doubt ill be doing much sleeping tonight anyway so i figured id monitor them to ensure the lamp doesnt make the rock wool to dry... sO here are some pics that i shot off.... Oh by the way... what happened to all our pictures?..

SO here are the seed packs.... i liked how they shipped them... they even put them in a tomato bag seed packet ....

but here they are.... MANDALA's Hashberry

Im so excited about the new one and havent even finished the old one eheheh... Well as you can see it wasnt all that bad for the first time... considering all the hard learning i had to do... The nugs are pretty dense for the size so im sure they will cure up nice... (again noob here)... in any case i figured i post some pics of the bud when i start flushing so here they are.... I figured 1 to 2 weeks of flushing to ensure detox AND hopefully let them mature that much longer....

here they are ...

And to finish it off i figured a group picture is nice...

Good luck in your grows and stay tuned for the next weeks update...


Well-Known Member
very nice dude....hope this hashberys turns like jasons....even better :D best of luck ! ! !

Shit if i get results like jason i know im doing something right hehee... I wont have co2 though....hmmm... i guess i have a couple of months till then.. maybe....


Well-Known Member
so today i placed my seeds up top since im starting to see them break through... as soon as they break ill put them in the buckets.

big pic for you... can you see the shoot



Well-Known Member
So im sure you can see it in that big ass pic...

Anyway... im leting the cab breath a little so i figured id take a pic of it open...

Some of these seem to fatten overnight... well the last 2 weeks they are supposed to grow allot right???

ok so i need to take my meds... :joint:


Well-Known Member
Heres a little update on the situation!!


This is the mandala Hashberry seedling that came up throughout the night...

I put them in some soil..

i put them all in soil.... to keep them moist longer... i noticed that the rockwhool got a little dry up top...

So those are the seedling updates....

here are some good pics of the outdoor for my buddy to see...

So thats the update of the plants... i didnt take any pix of the bottom since it didnt change much ...
