DWR's 1st Journal - Going BIG !


Well-Known Member
:) cool, didnt make mine myself ^^ would of come out good... dont have any tools...

^^ rofl... except a metal saw for my golfclobs and 100ltrs of alcahol and duck tape & golfclub grips :D

anyway... i like your room... ^^


Well-Known Member
So HERE is where you've been hiding. I love the new setup man. Everything looks great.
You could maybe lower that light a little bit? You have fans right?



Well-Known Member
I havnt been hiding ^^

I have a cooltube uberpea ;) And did you know that the plants need a little space from the light so they dont form wrong....

I got my just as i want them ;) No stretching & heat is perfect ;)


I got my growbox from a hydro store in my country... non USA....

Its called darkroom or darkbox... cant remember


Well-Known Member
DAY 28

Temps 23.6

Ph 5.9

small one...

First leaves that are getting all sticky icky ^^

Empty .. ^^

Filled ;)


Well-Known Member
DAY 29

Temps : 23.5

PH : 5.8

When will they start to furm proper buds !!!!!!!! :D

here are some pics...



Well-Known Member
very nice sativa bitch :)
u should have decent sativa buds
and that means they wont be as big as indica ones
but the high aint the same
so dont stress on having smaller buds
the taste will be like nothing else :)
im curently growing 8 afghani white widow
if u ever want to see them ill post it :P


Well-Known Member
thnx cannaboy, i hope that the next 4 weeks are the ones that make the buds large ^^


Well-Known Member
Lookin good DWR,,bet yur glad you got good air on that tube,,things are lookin nice,,be patcient(spelling),,they will fatten

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Lookin good DWR,,bet yur glad you got good air on that tube,,things are lookin nice,,be patcient(spelling),,they will fatten

Keep on Growin


aight ..... ;) thnx yo... keep on popping round yo.. ^^

Yeah i got good air on that tube yooooo ^^ rofl..... hahahahaaa its sick ^^