DwR's +20 Plant Grow


Well-Known Member
Letting those pots dry out will help a ton with the gnats. Just make sure you actually let them "droop". If you just lift the pot and it feels light but the plants are not drooping, then there is still some water left in the soil, but by the next day it should be totally dry.

Make sure the first bit of water you put through the pots is plain water. With super dry roots, you can easily burn the roots with nutes. Water a little with plain water, wait a little bit until they perk up again, and then add nutes.


Well-Known Member
DAY 50

Letting the Soil dry completly.... its about 90% dry.. emmmmm

Oh, and i got 5 plants that have made 2 heads themselfs :D hahaha..... Original ! So i should have 2 collas... dun know if i want two.... Would this mean less yield .... ??? Or more...... never had a plant that split itself :mrgreen:

and by the looks of it i've got 5 more coming just like this one here


The leafs are actually very good.... the big bang doesnt like hps veg light :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: oh well she is being trained for this now.... in 7 generations we wont be seeing wilting, we will hopefully be seeing a happy plant... :mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
Hi guys, just a litte update on my Products i have got for the coming Friday... :

2 x Jojo's ... for Moving light up & down...

25 x 18x18x20cm Pots - 6.5 Litres....

10 x 10x10x11 cm Pots

3 x 50Litres of Plagron - Grow Mix ... 15% Perlite... 15% Worm earth and dunno what the rest is doesnt say... Just says it can be used for a long time.

1 x DarkRoom 120 - 1.44 Square Meters .....

1 x 600W - Super 4-Y Nav T .... Heard great things about that bulb.... lets see if its rly good

1 x 600W Ballast for HPS & MH......... !

1 x Cooltube....


Reason for why i am cutting back, is because 1600W is way to much for my apartment ! I dun want to be a fucking fool, and esp I dun have to pay for the electricity so i dont want to play Gready !

Also, installing 3x600W & 1 x 400 W would mean re wiring things in my apartment... :S

And for some odd reason i have killed 3 things today u put in the wall that the electricity flows to my place.... Smack'd them right out 3 times in a row..... We tryd using 1600W.... didnt work... Its totally shit ! So that means 1000W Grow... in 1.44 Square Meters...

And thinking of the Darkroom 240 (120W) that has 2.88Square meters i would of needed 3000 Watts at least for an excellent grow in there... and basicly i dun know what i am talking about !

And as soon as i am finishd growing 3 times here, i am gona from this place... I need some sort of house for myself ^^


ROFL !!!!!!!!!!!! Time to spark up my owl ^^


Any suggestions till friday comes..


Well-Known Member

hows the swing? are u hitting the greens?

could u tell me - hows the Big Bang high?

i got five of those so i curious...


Well-Known Member

hows the swing? are u hitting the greens?

could u tell me - hows the Big Bang high?

i got five of those so i curious...

made my mouth go numb... first time i puffd on it..

very nice man, u get high... and its very smooth... i use it for doing sports... well i brought it for that reason... next summer on the course.. smoking the shit... works great.. :leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT GET THIS SHIT OVER THE METAL POLES !!!!!!!!!!!!

FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!! I nearly kick'd the shit out of something !

time to smoke one.. rofl


Well-Known Member
growbox is broken !

fucking cunts !

i hate my life... whats the point of growing

fuck it im out