DwR's +20 Plant Grow


Well-Known Member
U guys know what the dude from the shop said to me

: Your own fault... i just went to by hes company.... and well, it wasnt nice ^^

hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what a cunt.. my box is up and running now, that motherfucker cunt doesnt play around with DWR !

i am the boss !!!!! AIGHT !


Well-Known Member
hahaha he shit himself... I said to the dude, look either u give me a new growbox or we will have big probs :

he laughs says ok.. i say ok i am coming round..

I go round, he shits himself.. gives me new growbox ;) i still got the other one ^^



Well-Known Member
9 hours headache.. from some pussy face that cant do a quality control

Didnt have any Chicken Shit left.. the things u can pull to tighten things.. i had to use plastic rubish bags to hold the jojo's.. rofl !

Only 400W Veg running

Still got some work to do ;)

My 15 Lovely big bang.. another 40 coming next month :D I've been busy doing shit.. also have about 15 seeds sprouting... :)




Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhh ................ I am getting a 600W Light today that has 1/3 Blue 1/3 White 1/3 Red..

So that i can get 1000w veggin.... lol ^^

and i am buying a second 600w system...... Selling the 400.... no point.... totally useless.. i need more light... and well for 200w u get double the amount....


I have new SEEDS ;) Dont know the strain name, all i know its some hardcore weed shit seeds :D heheheeee...... Remember that seed i found in that beautyfull weed that smelt of cheese.... well i got like 20 seeds of em... now...

9 seeds are in one of the pots.... all the other pots are holding 1 seed...


Repoted all Plants in to bigger POTS :D

- Clones - go in to the 3,5 ltr pots, and the big plants went in to a 6.5 Ltr pot....

It's funny that those clones are even alive, never waterd them... and when i repoted the clones.. ( the smallest one ) the roots where i even snaping off, whel basicly dried up..

lets see if they succed :)

This Seed has 2 Roots..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Well-Known Member
lmao! great job getting your box back. That was straight up G status right there. lmao!
yay, we got more little baby plants on the way. Yay!
Keep it up, I will be tuned in all the way.


Well-Known Member
growbox is broken !

fucking cunts !

i hate my life... whats the point of growing

fuck it im out

you let that get to you, shit growing is a bunch of trouble all wound into a small space.

you got to chill i know the feeling though


Well-Known Member
you let that get to you, shit growing is a bunch of trouble all wound into a small space.

you got to chill i know the feeling though
Nah, this was the biggest problem i faced in growing..... cloning was easier than that dude from the shop.. :mrgreen::blsmoke:

what a hog...smackin bitches out the air hahahaha...ur fuckin sick blood
:eyesmoke: Smacking bitches out the air ? - means that i told him where the line crosses.. ?

D...u surf brah?

Nah man, dun have any waves in our country :D :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
DAY 54 - Another 5 Days veg then there going in to flowering mode :mrgreen:

Bloody grown havnt they.... :eyesmoke: 1 day growth amazing...

Dun need those bottom leafs... and nor branches... gona clone again... :)




Well-Known Member
fuken A, this clones looks amazingly bushy!
heh thnx man, they are getting very bushy.. and one plant has 5 heads.. well the branches are 4 and the collar... so thats 5.... they are the same height as the top one.. anyway managed to snap 1 pic... in 10 minutes... lol.. i hate battieres...



Well-Known Member
oh and all seeds have poped the ground.. i got 13 seeds in one pot... and 8 in the nlite veg room.. and 2 in the hps room to see how they cope with the light..

Also will be 12/12 my new born seeds to determine wich are female.. after that straight back to veg, and clone.. some of them, flower some allready.. taste smoke em... if good.. carry on cloning if not so nice smoke but very high, i'll have to take a males polen, preserve it in a film container, and at a later point maybe give the big bang a new name :D