DYI Re-Circulating DWC system proven?


Well-Known Member
looks like a pretty solid system, no different than if you were to buy one already made.

going hydro your going to have to invest a bit more than a soil grow, do your homework, buy the right stuff (meters, ect ect) and you should do well.


Looks like a decent system. Might have to check the water level a couple times a day with a reservoir that size when the plants get big. One plant could drink a gallon of water a day depending on size. Mines is 20 gallons for 4 plants


Well-Known Member
Just like my DIY system except I didn't spring for a chiller. Works good but is prone to the usual problems. I decided to switch to flood tables after this round and see how I like those.


Well-Known Member
Just like my DIY system except I didn't spring for a chiller. Works good but is prone to the usual problems. I decided to switch to flood tables after this round and see how I like those.
you will like the results in flood tables. i switched between dwc and flood tables a few times, generally flood tables are my favorite. i only do dwc when i grow in mid winter because it is simpler for me to have 200w res heater than it is to have a 1kw + heater. flood tables are simple foolproof and results are great. just a tip get small sized growrock pebbles and fill the table with them this way you will not require a lid or pots. what you save on those you can buy more growrocks with. I grow pretty big plants with only 5" depth of rocks on my table roots grow sideways and have plenty of room. very important to have good drainage not to drown the roots. in the end I just harvest and remove the rootball and most roots, then flood my table with high concentration H2O2 35% for hours then drain, flush and grow on :) good luck