dying yellow leaves a month into flower...could really use your advice. thanks!


Active Member
you must have yielded under 3 grams as nitrogen is not available for cannabis at 5.8
HaHa, clearly you are a complete idiot! and have no idea what your talking about so i have provided a picture for you View attachment 2489287 as you can see, 5.8 is just fine for cannabis to uptake nitrogen in hydro. and like i said 6.0 to 6.5 using soil, you can go as high as 7.0 with little problems. perhaps the next time you decide to open your mouth and input your worthless OPINION you might educate yourself Mr. 3 grams. untill then why dont you shut your worthless trolling mouth and stick with pictures. judging from your posts, your mostly worthless opinions dont mean shit to anybody anyway. Fucking dumb ass!


Well-Known Member
just wondering if you ever figured out your problem, sorry havent been on here in months but from the looks of the picture you have a calmag def.. I use general organics calmag + 1 teaspoon epsom salt with every water.. This problem is so common and easily overlooked that it can drive some people nuts trying to figure it out... and don't worry about ph cause that's not your problem...


Well-Known Member
Wow.. That was an interesting 5-page wild goose chase...

Let me guess, as soon as you switched to bloom, you started using bloom nutrients, then they started yellowing during stretch? THEY NEED PLENTY OF NITROGEN during the stretch phase. During this time, they are growing stem and leaf at a rapid rate, which depletes nitrogen reserves very quickly. Your Probloom (you talking about the Botanicare Pure blend?) doesn't have enough nitrogen to keep up with a rapidly growing/stretching plant, especially at 1/4 to 1/2 strength.

Your yellow, nitrogen leached leaves will not green up, but you can halt the spread by giving them some nitrogen.

The damage is done, but you can still pull through. Next time, taper off your veg nutrients slowly, even adding a little through week 3-4. This will keep your plant nice and green until near harvest (then hopefully it'll show some beautiful fall colors).

Good luck!