dying's going to suck


Well-Known Member
Dude it will be over before you know it haha. Wouldnt waste your life stressn ove this shit then when u are dyig ull be like oh fuck what a waste! Go out and live your life travel the world experience everything you can. Do shit you never thought you would.


Maybe when we die some cosmic stoner will have been growing us and waiting for the right time to stuff us in some funky bowl and he'll smoke us.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The elite will live for a long time- like magic johnson but the regular people will get sick and die
That is one possibility... but I'd like to think the human element will show itself sooner rather than later, and we will all live for a long time.

What's better to the elite than having able-bodied 110 year old workers?

"Healthcare" is the next step in shortening our lives

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
I think they need to start limiting breeding planet wide. These shows like "18 and counting" piss me the fuck off. No one should be allowed to have more than 2 kids for any reason. I don't care what religion you are do it for the sake of humanity as a whole not trying to outbreed the other religions. Ohhhh there we go again. Got me started.


Well-Known Member
I think they need to start limiting breeding planet wide. These shows like "18 and counting" piss me the fuck off. No one should be allowed to have more than 2 kids for any reason. I don't care what religion you are do it for the sake of humanity as a whole not trying to outbreed the other religions. Ohhhh there we go again. Got me started.
They already kill lots of people before birth and some countries we ally with already enforce one child policyes where after your first child your not allowed to have any more. And they are also lowering our fertility rates.


Well-Known Member
the only thing about dyin thats gonna suck is leavin all the people i love and care about thats the only thing i stress on


I don't think dying will be so bad. I've read a lot about Buddhism and the concept of Nirvana and nothingness is only scary to people because human's just cannot comprehend it. If you try to think of absolute nothingness, it isn't really possible, because our brains keep a constant flow moving through us, and a persisting consciousness that we never lose. And if we're extremely lucky, heaven exists and then we get to go there with all the drinks and drugs we want.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Our medical professions are negatively affecting the natural occurring checks and balances that nature inposes on populations that get too large. Our amount of resources is fininite and soon enough without some kind of check we will consume more than we can create and then things will get fun. That's why things like the plague and Spanish flu came about. Luckily we still have war and that doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
soon we will consume more than we can create and then things will get fun..
We allready do, it's called oil-
Oil caused the huge population boom
We live off the suns energy- the sun only puts off so much a year- think of as solar powered
We found a way to tap into the suns energy from times past- think of the oil like a giant battery- it is stored up energy from things from the past that stored the suns energy
Eventually the battery will run out- no more oil
And we will have to live off each years supply of energy
We set up mining opperations on the moon to harvest the H3

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
I'm thinking human ingenuity will beat the oil thing in time, we just haven't been sufficiently incentivized yet. I was thinking more in terms of livable space and food.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking human ingenuity will beat the oil thing in time, we just haven't been sufficiently incentivized yet. I was thinking more in terms of livable space and food.
Yeah I totally agree, Obama should announce a huge new space mission to have us on the moon mining H3 he could put all the unemployed to work and we could be converted to H3 power in four years and eliminate dependence on forigen oil- it's about time we quit sending all our money over seas to Canada for there oil- Energy independance- eternal life