dyna-gro nutes anyone????

hey guys, great info here!

I got a quick question - i have some plants that went to 12/12 last wednesday and they are due for a watering. The last watering was a grow/magpro/protekt mix. i'm wondering do I need need to fresh water this time or can i go directly to bloom nute mix water?
Giving this a bump with a question. Anyone have a good schedule for coco? I am trying to get away with Grow, Bloom and Protekt. Running 12-12 from seed. Cracked them about week ago feed them 50ppm of grow today hope i didnt burn them they were looking pretty light getting the 2nd set of "true" leaves
How is everyone's dynagro working out?
Anyone still using it?
@mrduke, shnkrmn?

I'm working out a dwc hydro nutrient lineup:
Foliage Pro
Thrive live B1 red or Age Old Seaweed

Has anyone ran a similar lineup lately?
I ran Dynagro Grow & protekt on a 10 gal plant under one 1000w my second harvest ever. got 6.5 oz off one plant that i did.. gonna boost it up, going bubbleponics only run dynagro now its awesome. protekt is priceless :D
adding MagPro this time during 2 week transition to see how this bloom boost works.. still doing research, tryin to find grow logs of dynagro to work off of but so far my own experiments are amazing.
Glad I found this thread. Been looking for a good dyna gro schedule for ebb and gro buckets. Thinking foliar pro, protekt and the bloom for flowering. Still not sure what ratios, probably 50/50 of the fb and bloom or something. If anyone can help me out with a good base to start at I'd appreciate it.