joe macclennan
Well-Known Member
No you weren't. Nobody had heard of Dyna-Gro until I started pushing it. They were stuck on GH and the Lucas formula.
What was the first cannabis forum genre you were posting too?
more chest thumping?
This is the first forum I have ever joined....why? because internet forums never interested me until lately.
I've been using dg since 2003 It was the first product I tried when I started growing hydro. Recommended by my mentor who got me into this. Not uncle ben.....nice try tho.

I have during the last decade tried many other different brands...Yet I am right back to where I started. On dyna.
see the main difference I see between me and you is idgaf about being the FIRST. I also know incontrovertibly that I can get better @ this.
you on the other hand think you know it all, and have nothing left to learn. As is often the case with older growers ime.
Just not all of em are as much an ass about it as you.