Uncle Ben
Well-Known Member
Total bullshit. Gotta ask, why are you taking his word for it as opposed to questioning his agenda. If I was a betting man, he is another one of those organic wackos that continues such spin. In reality, you don't need "any frickin' biology". Your plants need the 16 essential elements - think water culture. The irony of their spin that "chemicals kill the microbes" is that organics ARE chemicals or they wouldn't work.back to the topic, a while back i posted on the ROLS no-till (recycled organic living soil) thread if there was any chance of later on, re using the soil i have in my 3-15 gallon containers
the reply was that the foliage pro i will be using it going to screw up the biology of the soil and then all hope is lost for that idea
I don't like recycling my soil as it usually contains eggs of critters such as fungus gnats and stuff. If you compost it getting the pile up to the usual 170F, that's different. Also, recycle potting soil never has the soil structure it originally had. The organics have broken down. I add soils used for growing to my veggie garden. Such was the case with this rootball. It's the same one from the 4 cola plant posted above. And it never fails, mother nature can be brutal. Notice the duct tape? Storm came along, split the trunk right down the middle to the soil line but after taping it together, rejoining the 4 scaffold branches the best I could, it really produced big time.

Big hole goes straight down into the trunk!

You need to work your compost pile and keep the meat out of it. Make sure the organics have enough N. Source can be from manure (my choice is horse) or if you want to kick up a notch throw in a handful of ammonium sulfate and water in. If you're not up to turning it with a fork, buy one of those compost aerators, the kind you drive in and pull up, the kind with pivotable wings. My compost pile at the old house did steam. Sounds weird, but me and my friends would drink beer in the back yard and use the compost pile for a urinal. Texas tea sure do make gude compost!