Earlier harvest


Hey! My question is about harvesting few nugget buds early(for test) and others when plant will be 100% ready to harvest. Can these actions stress plant or do something else bad? Plant is in last flowering week and I flushed it and let soil dry but I want to test little buds of plant.. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Nah, the plant will be fine. In my first grow that I did I harvested 2 lower branches each week for 3 weeks because I had no cash to buy bud while mine matured.. THe high wasn't as intense because it wasn't fully mature, but if nothing else, it might have promoted growth to the remaining buds. Just don't hack off the big fan leaves and they should still be good :) Peace!


Thanks for answering. Yesterday I wanted to smoke some a lil bit and choped one lil bud and dryed it fast, thought hight will not be so good, but I were in sapce :D. Can't wait for good dried buds with good good taste and high times will start :D.


Well-Known Member
If your going to chop some off ... Take a whole lower branch from near the stem , Just take enough so you can do a test dry and taste test , Your so close to harvest that it will have very little effect other than maybe some "Positive stress" and by removing a whole branch it will ensure that the plant can direct resources to other parts of the plant ( maybe the upper bud )

Some people are dead against removing anything prior to harvest ... but im yet to see any negative effects .

Good Luck :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, since the lower branches are smaller buds and tiny little stem nugs... I see no harm in taking a few :)