easier way to cut 3" holes for net pots than the drill???


Well-Known Member
im talking about the rubbermaid lids. the drilling style leaves rough edges and is super messy is there a way to melt/cut perfect 3" holes?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean "drilling style"? I use a 2 7/8" hole saw and then scrape with the back of a utility knife blade to clean it. It's interesting, I've found that with the utility knife blades, scraping in one direction works well, but scraping in the other direction doesn't. They have one good edge and one not.


Active Member
I've found that if I take my time and apply very light pressure with the hole saw while keeping the drill at high rpms, while taking longer to drill through, will cut a much cleaner hole without need to fuck around with a utility knife. Be careful with that shit too I almost cut a hole in my leg the first time I used it.


Well-Known Member
I took pipe of whatever sized holes i want. cut the pipe to about 3 inches long. put a 2 by 4 over it and hit it with a hammer hard. I think i used 1/16 piping wall thickness. you can get it free at any metal shop. it'll be scrap. i made these holes in 2 minutes after spending 15 minutes cutting the first with a razor blade. just file the pipe edge where it was cut smooth. it should work like a cookie cutter. And you have to hit it hard. do it on plywood so it can go through a little.



Well-Known Member
You can also consider finding a metal can of the same diameter that you want, heating it red hot and pressing it through the rubbermaid, this method cuts very clean holes but takes a while as you have to reheat the can every cut.


Well-Known Member
i took pipe of whatever sized holes i want. Cut the pipe to about 3 inches long. Put a 2 by 4 over it and hit it with a hammer hard. I think i used 1/16 piping wall thickness. You can get it free at any metal shop. It'll be scrap. I made these holes in 2 minutes after spending 15 minutes cutting the first with a razor blade. Just file the pipe edge where it was cut smooth. It should work like a cookie cutter. And you have to hit it hard. Do it on plywood so it can go through a little.
exquisite idea. Rep.


Active Member
The hardest part I found about making the holes was trying to get the plastic (or PVC on the fence posts) out of the bit after making the hole. :wall:

I drill the holes 80% through on foward, and then put it on reverse to finish. If the round piece does not fall off on its own, it comes out of the hole bit much easier. It makes for a pretty clean finish too.


Well-Known Member
good idea jedi... i was drilling 3-4 letting them build up in there then taking a mini screw driver and prying them out. I'll give the reverse a try.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
good idea jedi... i was drilling 3-4 letting them build up in there then taking a mini screw driver and prying them out. I'll give the reverse a try.
I have just drilled holes in my NFT tanks so i can join them up to make them bigger and add a float valve to keep the ress toped up to drill the holes i had the drill rotate the other way there is not so much bite and it cuts through perfect may be a light rub with sand paper. works for me.