Eating a small amount of earthworm castings!!! BENEFICAL PROBIOTICS? PARASITIC JUNGLE?

SMH...Look the thing about the microbiome is that we just barely understand what is going on even in the human gut, I mean we have an idea and there are cool study's on how the whole thing changes over a person's life time and how it affects the many different system in the body.

The one thing we understand well is the role that environment of the gut plays into harboring certain bacteria. The human gut is VERY different the the gut of a worm. The worm gut is not hot like we are, it is not full of acid the way ours is, and the digestive enzymes are completely different...also the diet is different.

Microbes are also very picky about where they will live - so there is an extremely low chance that any bacteria that have evolved to live inside the gut of a worm will survive or thrive inside the gut of a human - the environment is just too different. I legit be more concerned about getting some sort of parasite infection.
I think I'm a laugh, but I'm really a cry :hump:

Hey I just noticed your sig, well done. It is by the juice of sappho that the thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, and the stains become a warning. :clap:
Cool dude, I like where your head lives! I have been trying to breed a strain that allows me to fold space! At that point, I will no longer need the wierding module :mrgreen:
So wait... this guy died right?
OP was last seen here Feb. 16, 2022 after creating this post Aug.31, 2021.

So it would seem the OP evaded a severe illness or death from self-induced parasitic nuking of the gastrointestinal tract, but has not yet outlived the righteous scorn of those sensible enough to not partake of worm castings.
So yesterday I did consume a small amount of earthworm castings in the thought that I could obtain some beneficial probiotics that I would not obtain elsewhere knowing what we know now about our guts and the amount of bacteria in what kind of role that plays and how far away we've gotten as humans from actually eating vegetables from the ground but yes with all things considered I did consume a small amount? Tell me what you guys think?
I think you might even live shorter than me if this is how you operate.
I've told a handful of fools to 'eat shit', but I've never seen anyone brag about it before :wall:
When I first saw the thread title, I thought "Oh some poor devil has accidentally ingested worm crap while working with it, and now worried about getting sick, trying to rationalize that it could be good. Let's have a look."

And then, no. He ate it. Deliberately. And then run tell dat. And while there's been some jesting at his expense, I am glad to know he was apparently ok a few months later. I find myself wondering if this ill-advised thread may only now be coming into its own. My fragile mind reels from the impact of learning people eat worm shit and cook chicken in NyQuil, and I don't know what to do except to do something that's neither of those things.
Work on the answer.
I'm sorry AddictiveBrainDullingPharmaBiscuitYoungster, but I generally tend to choose my own work assignments. When I do depart from that I like the pleadings to sound more like a polite request and less like an obnoxious demand. In the case of someone such as yourself, seeking to bash my u/n about a bit, with or without malice, is a pretty useless endeavor considering the tepid unexciting nature of the moniker you've saddled yourself with.

My own firstly displays a delightful economy of words, an economy I do not carry over into my posts as you may have noticed. Just 4 simple words, and at that 3 of them only 3 letters. All enrobed in multi-layered mystery. Is the bag moving ? If not, are they dead or asleep ? If so, what are they doing in there ? Contesting food, or perhaps fornicating ? What is the bag made of ? Is it wool, is it burlap, or perhaps fancy silk ? So many possibilities from the understated misunderstood Bus Stop Rat Bag.

And then there's yours, uninspiring and easily forgettable. But I'm not here to judge and I came in peace seeking canna related discourse, so if it makes you happy then I'm happy for you.