Eating a small amount of earthworm castings!!! BENEFICAL PROBIOTICS? PARASITIC JUNGLE?

The impotent retorts of the lowest segment of 5th rate mental midgets RIU has to offer. Too high on your stash and to low in processor speed to string words together, you try to get by on pics, and have your fingers crossed it gets you there. It won't. If I'm going to be compelled to school you drooling spunk monkeys, could you trot out somebody that has words please ?

You should all climb back into your fruit flavored clown car and gtfo of Dodge to some thread where I'm not.
Calm down @bus stop cum sock
Wow you pumped the brakes kinda hard there I think. Good thing you weren't going any faster than you were. :lol: You came in all Hey looky here fellers imma post one of them socks too derkaderkaderk.

And then the above. Lemme just share some message board wisdom with ya there junior, when a guy says "calm down" he's really telegraphing that you own his ass, and that's a universal truth of boards, it's never not true. Ever.

So congrats you are the first publicly confirmed wholly owned subsidiary of the Bus Stop Rat Bag empire. I'm not sure we can find a place for you, as the janitors here all hold a minimum of BA, I'll likely just turn you out. You're harmless, even to the village idiot.

Who's next ? It's lookin like the clown car may have taken off, your bench seems depopulated. :lol: I have a theory, could be wrong, that some of you hags that were in early have started to suspect what has been true all along.

I'm not an alt. I'm a newly minted RIU member, and not one to take any shit from the stupidest least respected shitsacks the board has to offer. Step up or step off bitches.
Most of you, excepting CephalusInfanticus and bk78, I now dub Wormshit Clown Posse. You fucks thought you had some shit figured out, thought you'd be partying and backslapping each other while you kicked around someone you felt comfortable kicking around because ya thought you knew who it was.

bk78 I'm sorry but you're not in the WCP, I own your ass outright and I forbid you to be part of it. Not that it gives me any sense of accomplishment as you were a late arrival just looking to join the dogpile and pick up some scraps, making you nothing more than entourage. But I'm going to gift you with a flunky for your very own to do with as you please. Couch Queen Snootch can be your piss boy or whatever you want from him. He's next to worthless, a nutless hanger on that, like you comes in derkyderkydeeeerk with a pic, hovers around throwing smilies on anything the goobs he toadies to posts, but his shriveled testes aren't up to the task of getting in this mosh.

The rest of you that have fucked with me, there were some who posted without really making that mistake so naturally I'm happy to exclude them, but all you scumbags that have clearly fucked with me.. you were Wormshit Clown Posse before I even got here, you're WCP today, and you'll never be anything else or better, than the wormshit you crawled out of.

Have a nice weekend fellas, and don't forget -- anytime you're feeling all flexy and smart and shit -- you've got nothin just keep scrolling
Most of you, excepting CephalusInfanticus and bk78, I now dub Wormshit Clown Posse. You fucks thought you had some shit figured out, thought you'd be partying and backslapping each other while you kicked around someone you felt comfortable kicking around because ya thought you knew who it was.

bk78 I'm sorry but you're not in the WCP, I own your ass outright and I forbid you to be part of it. Not that it gives me any sense of accomplishment as you were a late arrival just looking to join the dogpile and pick up some scraps, making you nothing more than entourage. But I'm going to gift you with a flunky for your very own to do with as you please. Couch Queen Snootch can be your piss boy or whatever you want from him. He's next to worthless, a nutless hanger on that, like you comes in derkyderkydeeeerk with a pic, hovers around throwing smilies on anything the goobs he toadies to posts, but his shriveled testes aren't up to the task of getting in this mosh.

The rest of you that have fucked with me, there were some who posted without really making that mistake so naturally I'm happy to exclude them, but all you scumbags that have clearly fucked with me.. you were Wormshit Clown Posse before I even got here, you're WCP today, and you'll never be anything else or better, than the wormshit you crawled out of.

Have a nice weekend fellas, and don't forget -- anytime you're feeling all flexy and smart and shit -- you've got nothin just keep scrolling

I get diarrhea just trying to read your dribble
Most of you, excepting CephalusInfanticus and bk78, I now dub Wormshit Clown Posse. You fucks thought you had some shit figured out, thought you'd be partying and backslapping each other while you kicked around someone you felt comfortable kicking around because ya thought you knew who it was.

bk78 I'm sorry but you're not in the WCP, I own your ass outright and I forbid you to be part of it. Not that it gives me any sense of accomplishment as you were a late arrival just looking to join the dogpile and pick up some scraps, making you nothing more than entourage. But I'm going to gift you with a flunky for your very own to do with as you please. Couch Queen Snootch can be your piss boy or whatever you want from him. He's next to worthless, a nutless hanger on that, like you comes in derkyderkydeeeerk with a pic, hovers around throwing smilies on anything the goobs he toadies to posts, but his shriveled testes aren't up to the task of getting in this mosh.

The rest of you that have fucked with me, there were some who posted without really making that mistake so naturally I'm happy to exclude them, but all you scumbags that have clearly fucked with me.. you were Wormshit Clown Posse before I even got here, you're WCP today, and you'll never be anything else or better, than the wormshit you crawled out of.

Have a nice weekend fellas, and don't forget -- anytime you're feeling all flexy and smart and shit -- you've got nothin just keep scrolling
You're right.

I got nothin. LMAO wow
Most of you, excepting CephalusInfanticus and bk78, I now dub Wormshit Clown Posse. You fucks thought you had some shit figured out, thought you'd be partying and backslapping each other while you kicked around someone you felt comfortable kicking around because ya thought you knew who it was.

bk78 I'm sorry but you're not in the WCP, I own your ass outright and I forbid you to be part of it. Not that it gives me any sense of accomplishment as you were a late arrival just looking to join the dogpile and pick up some scraps, making you nothing more than entourage. But I'm going to gift you with a flunky for your very own to do with as you please. Couch Queen Snootch can be your piss boy or whatever you want from him. He's next to worthless, a nutless hanger on that, like you comes in derkyderkydeeeerk with a pic, hovers around throwing smilies on anything the goobs he toadies to posts, but his shriveled testes aren't up to the task of getting in this mosh.

The rest of you that have fucked with me, there were some who posted without really making that mistake so naturally I'm happy to exclude them, but all you scumbags that have clearly fucked with me.. you were Wormshit Clown Posse before I even got here, you're WCP today, and you'll never be anything else or better, than the wormshit you crawled out of.

Have a nice weekend fellas, and don't forget -- anytime you're feeling all flexy and smart and shit -- you've got nothin just keep scrolling
I was just told there was some some chickenshit backstabbing going against me here when I wasn't even in this thread?
Is that right?

I don't see anything now so I have to take people's word for it.
What? Lol.. none that ive seen.. lmao!!


About eating worm castings. I don't see anything on Google that says that you can't.

Looks like it's safe to do. Naturally it seems nasty and it's not recommended.

People do all kinds of strange things. They drink their pee for example.
They get fecal matter transplants.

To each his own.
So yesterday I did consume a small amount of earthworm castings in the thought that I could obtain some beneficial probiotics that I would not obtain elsewhere knowing what we know now about our guts and the amount of bacteria in what kind of role that plays and how far away we've gotten as humans from actually eating vegetables from the ground but yes with all things considered I did consume a small amount? Tell me what you guys think?

So Friend,

What references are you using? Is this just an idea or do you have some reference link I can read.
I mean I never thought of such a thing but now I'm curious why this would be a thing.

The first thing I would assume is that limiting what the worms eat would be seriously important.
You have to admit that people have seen this as a bit crazy but I'll listen to your point of view.
I did not see anything on Google of any benefits for consuming castings.
What gave you the idea?