Ebb & Flow Super Silver Haze and U-Dubb


Active Member
RP Do you have a recommendation as to where I could get some seeds of udubb the strain looks great. If your contemplating third meter you must use a ebb and flood system on your veg table also. Do you have a predefined nute schedule that you follow or do you adjust it depending on how the girls look? I am contemplating two different res tanks but if I don't have to I would rather not. What are your thoughts for Master Kush and Bubbleious?

Robert Paulson

Active Member
I'm already using an e&f for my veg which is why I would like another meter. Once the plants are established after transplant I pump the nutes up to the recommended full strength. I then watch the girls, especially close if it is a new strain to me. if the plants don't show any burn i pump the nutes up a bit but not much. if they show burn i just drop it down a bit. they seem to react rather quickly to any adjustments, which is nice, but that also means they can quickly become fucked up too.

If you are runnning two different strains, two different rez's is highly highly recommended for flower unless you have grown them before and know that they will have similar requirements. during veg its not as critical.

You won't be able to find a seed for udubb, or if you do you you should also probably play the lottery because you would be a lucky mother. its pretty much clone only as far as i know. there are a handful of people in my area that have it and i have read that it has made its way across the country but still remains one of the most rare strains.

I've never grown bubblicious or master kush but i have smoked both. i am personally not a huge kush fan, but its still great smoke. however, i really did enjoy the bubblicious quite a lot. my buddy grew both successfully and he really isn't too bright, so I doubt you will have a problem growing either.


Active Member
Haha, yeah this strain has an insane amount of crystals. I've never seen anything like it before. It makes my white widow look green in comparison.
Wow! I've seen some super resinous WW but I recently learned that a lot of those trichomes are supposedly non-glandular. Does the Udubb lack glandulars? :razz:


Active Member
So, what did you end up harvesting?
I have a similar setup, four 600's over two 3x6 flood tables, 18 plants on each table in 5 gal Geo Pots in Hydroton. Im debating whether to ScRog it or not, it gets pretty crowded and the Blueberry is a beast at over 3 ft wide/tall and the GDP's on 2 1/2 ft wide/tall, I have to bend it and move the lights a lot to optimize penetration.
I had a customer say it was a pain in the ass to move plants or when he wanted to harvest. He drilled a bunch of holes on his same scrog frame and put screws in them so he can tie down his plants, its similar to scrog but everything is easily removed.
BTW, you can have multiple strains on the same table with the same res, buts its like communism, you can only give it enough nutes as the weakest performer will take =)
I pump my nutes in this fashion weeks 1-8; 1000/1250/1500/1500/1500/1250/1250/0

Robert Paulson

Active Member
Muffy- Lack glandulars? No, I don't think so. These things are covered in trichomes. They look great through the scope, mushrooms like like they are suppose to be.

Bezy- I haven't harvested yet. The SSH is at the end of week 9 and the Udubb is in week 7. The SSH will easily put off over a QP a piece but the UDubb might just bearely make the goal of a QP per plant. I want to try keeping the girls in 48 hrs of dark before just for shits and giggles so I will probably be harvesting the SSH a few days early and the UDubb a few days late. Which will be fine because the SSH is my get high bud and the UDubb is the get comatose bud. My feed schedule is pretty similar, but i just go by what I am seeing. They seem to react quickly to changes. And thank you, but I was well aware that two strains can be done on a single table. All my plants get vegged for a few weeks on the same table and share a reservoir.


Active Member
The 48 hours really does help them put out that extra bit of resin =)
Yea, ur stuff looks nice man, keep up the good work!
This is what I have so far on week 3

Robert Paulson

Active Member
Well its been awhile and some shit has been happening so I figure its time for an update. The SSH has got another 36 hours of total dark before harvest and the Udubb was harvested a few days ago. It looks like I should end with a good yield from both strains. So how about some pics.....


Robert Paulson

Active Member
Looks great man, cant wait to see the numbas!
Thanks Bezy. The yield from the UDubb should be decent, but the strain is really not a high yielder unless you veg it for a very long time, although my plants did do pretty awesome for a 3 week veg. The SSH on the other hand grows massive buds and should have a very heavy harvest.


Active Member
I have some SSH I just threw outside, finicky lil lady, the rest of my plants look glorious and the SSH is struggling a bit, those Sativas are just harder to grow. Im gonna take some cuts so I'll get to see how she likes the hydro in a month or so.

Robert Paulson

Active Member
I have some SSH I just threw outside, finicky lil lady, the rest of my plants look glorious and the SSH is struggling a bit, those Sativas are just harder to grow. Im gonna take some cuts so I'll get to see how she likes the hydro in a month or so.
This is the second time I have grown SSH. IT can take full strength nutes until about 7 weeks into flower then they need to be cut back for 3 weeks or so and then the nute mix can be bumped up a little again. My PPMs were 800-1500 the whole grow and I had a small amount of burn around week 8. After week 8 the the leaves start changing all sorts of colors and they really begin to pack on weight. YOU NEED TO LET SSH HAZE GO 11-12 WEEKS. If you harvest earlier the bud isn't even close to reaching its full potential.

Robert Paulson

Active Member
So the Udubb was cut down earlier this week and I have now got it weighed up and in jars.....Drum roll please......17 ounces total for the udubb. That's 17 ounces off of 4 2 foot plants. :hump::hump::hump: Next time in the coco it should be even heavier, but this time around I did meet my goal of at least a QP per plant.


Robert Paulson

Active Member
I'll have the SSH numbers in a few days. I'm predicting at the very least 24 ounces or 1/3 lb per plant, but I think it will be closer to 1/2 lb per plant. I f I would have had four full size plants rather than just 3 ( one plant only vegged for 2 weeks) I bet I could have easily made 1/2 lb per plant even though they are only two foot tall.


Active Member
Great Job RP!!! I will do my best to try to emulate your setup and if you don't mind tag you for some pointers along the way. I am a little to shy to do a grow journal right now. Love the finished product.


Active Member
Hi Rob
I was wondering if you could take a look at my setup and give your opinion on it. Also at what size would you hit these plants with 12/12 as you can see I have 5 unsexed plants? would you suggest letting them grow to the point of training them in the wire or sex them after 4 weeks then train the females and weed out the males?IMG_1244.jpgIMG_1245.jpgIMG_1246.jpg

Robert Paulson

Active Member
Muffy- I love using the screen. When harvest time comes there isn't a single bud that isn't top shelf, everyone of them gets to sit right under the light and soak it up. The technique improves the yields by a ton for some strains. However, other strains it can affect negatively. Sensitive strains may not be able to take the stress and will develop hermaphroditic traits (so I've read, but have never experienced).

Kevo- Your set-up is looking nice. Got yourself a tri-meter I see. Those girls are going to blow up quick. I've been in the same situation with having un-sexed girls going under the screen when growing from seed. If I were you I would probably go ahead and FIM all those girls now so that the side branches can catch up with the growth of the tops a little bit you can also LST or just use the screen to train them. Then, I would just go ahead and keep vegging them for a while and training them just as if they were all female. Trim off any shoots that look as if they are not going to eventually produce a fat bud (stuff that is low on the plant and small in diameter will never have a chance to grow evenly with the other shoots). When you do some trimming like this go ahead and make a couple clones from each plant and label them. Once they are rooted plant them in big plastic containers; these are all potential mothers. What strains are you growing by the way? Strain will depend on how much they will stretch once the screen is full and you switch over to 12/12. When you do switch to flower the males will show their balls pretty quick. at that point you just cut 'em out and cut your losses, you will also want to trash the clones you took off of any males or put them somewhere far away and collect pollen off of them later. Keep all of the other mothers until the end of the cycle. when the plants are done and you can see how much each produced you then pick your mother. I have done it exactly like this and it worked out well. I had to cut out one male at which point i kind of "re-trained" two of the plants to utilize the newly vacant space.


Active Member
Nice to finally see your #'s, and good to hear you exceeded ur goal =) I may have to try the ScRog now, all the Yo-Yos I have are getting laborious.
So you're saying that the SSH took 11-12 weeks in flowering?! That is crazy long, but those Sativas are tough to grow. My SSH looked a lil stressed out while the rest of my lil gals look glorious.


Active Member
Thanks for taking the time to enpart your knowledge. All of the plants in the pots are master kush, but I am germinating bubblelious and blackjack for the other half of the table. I can't remember what lights do you veg with? I just purchased the fluorescent fixture (Sunleaves Pioneer IV 19,440 lumens.)and don't know how long to use it before switching over to 400w MH or if I even need too.