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Well-Known Member
DAMN HELLRAIZER! ur shit is looking great. hopefully mine will be on par with yours soon, the whole hydro thing sounds like its a pretty legit way to go, but in terms of ease which would u say is worth in in end result, soil or hydro, in terms of ease of grow, ending yeild, fragrance, etc. i would love to hear your personal opinion seeing as you have this down pretty tight, i have a ALL soil perpetual going if you wanna check it out, https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/452800-streets-ultimate-medical-grow-journal.html#post6054360, lemme know what you think and if i could have any improvements. its pretty detailed as well.


Well-Known Member
thats spot on!! i can see one in my future 4sure. only need to keep 1 extra ballist around for emergiencies unless lightning strikes ya lol


Well-Known Member
me im liking the way you think hr, nothing like being prepaired for emergencies. sucks big time to be in crises n have to make do... we all have to at times, but a thinker n planner will eliminate crises 99% of the time. im a believer that murphey visits when your not ready...


New Member
always keep something in reserve my problem is i use reserves to add more plants then need more reserves


New Member
well it is just the usually pros and cons that leaves the fence sitters confused
and still asking SHOULD I SMOKE DOPE hate shows like that almost like a debate
u cant chose both sides of fence or keep jumping over to over side then back
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