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New Member
no camera is fine talking about the vert lines from ballast being on
and just messing with u lol

kevin murphy

New Member
shame about the lines put the camera high at a distance and point it down and zoom in abit but from what i can see nice pics lad..sweee as


Well-Known Member
man you just cant argue with results, i have a little outdoor baby going right now in a 100% hydroton hempy bucket and im using the entire bc line on it that came with the ebb, thought hell i had them why not try them. she is coming along nicely.


New Member
weird how some show lines some dont maybe it makes a difference where camera is in relation to ballast


New Member
maybe it is the angle of cam to ballast
u could do some test and find out what makes it not show lines then do that with pics or just be lazy and take them right before lights come on using a shop light
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