Ecuador Grow Journal #1


Well-Known Member
well ill be fruiting tomorrow at noon if I dont get any replies about the fruiting chamber ill prolly slap 4 polyfill filled 1 inch holes on each tub.


Well-Known Member
here they are day 2 in the fc fruiting with 5 13 watt 6.5k fluros, and a 75 watt "regular" bulb, and some daylight. As you can see the smaller containers I made didnt get quite all the way colonized but I put them in now as a test run because someone ive been talkin to said there compost did better when they fruited it with a some brown showing so I was curious and its not a big loss if I get nothing from them as most of my surface area is composed of large fully colonized containers. Also this is an all straw mono tub I spawned with 3 qt. jars of wbs. Sub. isnt very deep due to the fact of little spawn left but ive heard alot of conflicting info on basically all sub. info whether its depth, potency, ect. so well see how it does its arount 2-3 inches of pressed down straw.



Well-Known Member
btw those a little under colonized containers are way more colonized than it looks in these pictures for some reason it makes them look way younger than they are in the pics


Well-Known Member
Keep them moist - you will do just fine. Imagine your utter joy when you see some of those beautiful, utterly alien life forms springing up almost overnight under your guidance and tutelage.


Well-Known Member
there looking very happy, been misting more than I thought ide have to but ive been fanning every 30 min. to hour as well as my 1 inch holes. The myceliums starting to "form" into crisp waves and think im gonna get some pins before long.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Nice thing about growing mushrooms is that you don't need half the patience you need growing pot. I you don't see primordia today, you might the next. Things happen fast and you will be delighted that it does. Just quit inspecting it more than twice a day, really, stop.


Well-Known Member
you want me to close my eyes when I fan it? but I love inspecting it I sit and look at it for 30 45 mins sometimes lol.


Well-Known Member
It is a sickness growdank, I've have been known to gaze at them for half an hour, go get a beer or something and then find my way back to the crop for just one more look. And then do it again, and again. Of course, when you are actually getting fruit, and the temperature is in the low 80's you can almost watch them grow. I have watched veils break and it is easy to see growth when you leave for an hour or so.