Edibles without decarb


Well-Known Member
Is there any other way to make butter/oil/RSO/tincture without decarb? Or with less smelly decarb? Any tricks? I can't afford smell all around the house.

Maybe some kief with pantyhose and then decarb? Less smelly or it's not worth because of lower yield?
Not sure how to explain it more then saying I never decarb when making butter and it works just fine.
Cheers :)

So... you just cook your butter with plant matter... how long, what temps? What's ratio of plant matter and butter? How you then bake cookies or whatever (temp, time)?
Your question was about decarbing and smell.
Lots of great write ups on making butter. the search function on this website and google are wondrous things.
My point was you do not need to decarb the weed first.
Cheers and goodluck :)
Forum is for sharing information. If you're a dick, you don't have to answer if you don't like thread. Go away with your junk.
Hi KonopCh-

If you intent to bake your goods, then you should be fine without decarbing. That should take place during the baking process. I also understand that the flower can be decarbed during the infusion process from the heat from the crock-pot. I don't have first had an experience with doing that, but I have had many edibles that were not decarbed first and they were fine.

There are other methods, such as doing a Sous Vide Decarboxylation (water bath), but that's kind of a thing. Perhaps a cheap toaster over, plugged in someplace outside might be a better way.

Good luck ~
Decarbing is baking in the oven for about 40 minutes, and yes it smells. But putting bud into butter and cooking it for 3 HOURS is also quite fragrant, for a much longer time.

FYI - anyone I've ever read about who didn't decarb before making edibles, when they actually did decarb said the difference in buzz was substantial.
Hi KonopCh-

If you intent to bake your goods, then you should be fine without decarbing. That should take place during the baking process. I also understand that the flower can be decarbed during the infusion process from the heat from the crock-pot. I don't have first had an experience with doing that, but I have had many edibles that were not decarbed first and they were fine.

There are other methods, such as doing a Sous Vide Decarboxylation (water bath), but that's kind of a thing. Perhaps a cheap toaster over, plugged in someplace outside might be a better way.

Good luck ~

But I must use the same temp and time, right? Is there any scientific data for comparing that method with one where you decarb first in oven?
Is there any scientific data for comparing that method with one where you decarb first in oven?

There was an Austrian study done on the effects of heat to stored cannabis, and it found that the maximum amount of THC-A was converted to THC-d9 after a 3 hour period at 212F. That same study demonstrated that after 1 hour, the THC-A conversion reached 90% of it's max conversion rate.

What does this mean?

This means that you can toss your cannabis in mason jars, boil those fuckers in water for an hour, and you'll be pretty damn close to being at 90% of your maximum conversion rate. There will be practically zero odor as the cannabis will be sealed in the jars. From there you can toss the cannabis into recipes as is, or use it to infuse fats like butter or coconut oil. Sadly, there is practically zero scientific data on infusing fats with THC, but we do have a lot of practical experience in the community at large.
There was an Austrian study done on the effects of heat to stored cannabis, and it found that the maximum amount of THC-A was converted to THC-d9 after a 3 hour period at 212F. That same study demonstrated that after 1 hour, the THC-A conversion reached 90% of it's max conversion rate.

What does this mean?

This means that you can toss your cannabis in mason jars, boil those fuckers in water for an hour, and you'll be pretty damn close to being at 90% of your maximum conversion rate. There will be practically zero odor as the cannabis will be sealed in the jars. From there you can toss the cannabis into recipes as is, or use it to infuse fats like butter or coconut oil. Sadly, there is practically zero scientific data on infusing fats with THC, but we do have a lot of practical experience in the community at large.

But there is gas in jar, so it can explode. I guess then you need a big fat mason jar.
But I was thinking about side by side study of decarbing first and last. I guess it's not done yet.
But there is gas in jar, so it can explode.

That's a possibility, however, not very probable. A lot of people have been using their ovens to decarb in mason jars at higher temps without issue, so doing the same at lower temps should reduce the chance of breakage even further.

But I was thinking about side by side study of decarbing first and last. I guess it's not done yet.

If you find something, let me know, because I've looked and haven't found shit. High Times magazine did a stoner-tier test on cannabutter techniques and sent samples to two different labs for testing resulting in two completely different set of results, which means their test was worthless. The only thing of value that came out of it was that they showed no difference between a sample that was simmered for 3 hours from one simmered for 6, which leads me to believe that the long ass simmer times people are using is completely unnecessary, if not detrimental.
You have answers right here at your fingertips. Search out articles here on Rollitup from people who USED TO cook without decarbing and thought their edibles were just fine, then tried decarbing before baking, then compared the relative buzz of each. And why not do it yourself and see which one is stronger. No arguments, no 'mine is better than yours'. Just try it.
@Wilksey yea, I know this test from HTM. However, it's quite good and give us some more "scientific" directions how to do it. I know it's not cheap to do it.
Thank you for kind conversation here! All the best!

@Dan Drews yea, that is currently the best option. However, I am precise guy and I am looking for evidence/science behind it. "It gets you stoned" just isn't my answer I am looking for.