Egyptians protest again.

Please friend, wont you put the words that contradict each other in bold, for me? I REALLY cant see what it is you're TRYING to point out for me? I mean, I know you don't want to make a fool out of me, but come on, help a fellow out!

I never said I was smarter than everyone else. I said that it is my sincere opinion that Polaks are generally smarter and more intelligent than AUSTRALIANS.

I already helped you out in post #126....

Take a read through the majority of your posts,

In Poland they have more brains than whatever country you come from. I don't actually know if that is true but I'm taking an educated guess and I would bet I'm right. I'm right, but you think i'm not because you don't like me.
As I was saying Me = Smarter. you = not apparently too smart.

It means you have standard or subpar reading comprehension and my posts are too hard for you and eche.
correct me if im wrong on this but.... is slavery okay? but it was accepted in the past? is it still acceptable? would you like to be a slave? oh wait you are..... to ignorance.

what about flight? were there any airplanes 250 years ago? no. but there was slavery.
what changed? the technology and the knowledge. we have made better tools since you were born and educated. we have made tools to make tools to design better tools.
now you can go into many theories from this just being a conscious.sub conscious creation which is reality, pure evolution on a third dimensional physical scale, experimentation, a story line, shit son, you could even believe that you only know what you have seen in your life form birth and that everything else is a mere illusion to pacify your mind.
the reality of it is that no matter what, i am real, i am tired of people like you who have constantly degraded others (i dont mean highlow btw). i am talking about your mindset and the fact you still think its okay for this society to function as it does. constantly consuming without proper regeneration.
so i ask, when does a symbiotic relationship become a parasitic one?
and what is the proper method for dealing with parasites.... from your perception.. ;)

there are stupid people. people who have not been given or able to find the knowledge on how to improve. once they have been given or have found the knowledge they now have a choice. to remain blind and to forgo the integration of this knowledge or to use it for the best possible outcome until further knowledge is available/discovered.
correct me if im wrong on this but.... is slavery okay? but it was accepted in the past? is it still acceptable? would you like to be a slave? oh wait you are..... to ignorance.

what about flight? were there any airplanes 250 years ago? no. but there was slavery.
what changed? the technology and the knowledge. we have made better tools since you were born and educated. we have made tools to make tools to design better tools.
now you can go into many theories from this just being a conscious.sub conscious creation which is reality, pure evolution on a third dimensional physical scale, experimentation, a story line, shit son, you could even believe that you only know what you have seen in your life form birth and that everything else is a mere illusion to pacify your mind.
the reality of it is that no matter what, i am real, i am tired of people like you who have constantly degraded others (i dont mean highlow btw). i am talking about your mindset and the fact you still think its okay for this society to function as it does. constantly consuming without proper regeneration.
so i ask, when does a symbiotic relationship become a parasitic one?
and what is the proper method for dealing with parasites.... from your perception.. ;)

there are stupid people. people who have not been given or able to find the knowledge on how to improve. once they have been given or have found the knowledge they now have a choice. to remain blind and to forgo the integration of this knowledge or to use it for the best possible outcome until further knowledge is available/discovered.

Well, you are getting less friendly, I can see that.

There is not right or wrong in REAL. And my friend, slavery exists today, quite formally.

Invention are not social constructs, nor are social constructs inventions.

There are only a very few constructs possible and they have all been tried and still are being hauled out and dusted off.

No original thinking since Karl Marx, and that was just very foolish, but original.

Hierarchy and power corruption must be dealt with in any construct. But, almost all depend on magic. They all depend on the mythical good guy working against his best interest. And it depends that every actors is the MGG at all times.

Silly. The rule of law is dangerous and adversarial but, much less bloody. It is this or warlord, no matter what.

It is magic to say, these clever, shiny monkeys we call the human race will ever understand anything
but force and heiracchy.
correct me if im wrong on this but.... is slavery okay? but it was accepted in the past? is it still acceptable? would you like to be a slave? oh wait you are..... to ignorance.

what about flight? were there any airplanes 250 years ago? no. but there was slavery.
what changed? the technology and the knowledge. we have made better tools since you were born and educated. we have made tools to make tools to design better tools.
now you can go into many theories from this just being a conscious.sub conscious creation which is reality, pure evolution on a third dimensional physical scale, experimentation, a story line, shit son, you could even believe that you only know what you have seen in your life form birth and that everything else is a mere illusion to pacify your mind.
the reality of it is that no matter what, i am real, i am tired of people like you who have constantly degraded others (i dont mean highlow btw). i am talking about your mindset and the fact you still think its okay for this society to function as it does. constantly consuming without proper regeneration.
so i ask, when does a symbiotic relationship become a parasitic one?
and what is the proper method for dealing with parasites.... from your perception.. ;)

there are stupid people. people who have not been given or able to find the knowledge on how to improve. once they have been given or have found the knowledge they now have a choice. to remain blind and to forgo the integration of this knowledge or to use it for the best possible outcome until further knowledge is available/discovered.

You're advocating a somewhat spiritual change on worldview, disguised as an appeal to discard human nature... As best I can tell you haven't put forward any tangible ideas, just pipe dreams...I thought like you once, I had a rude awakening in Afghanistan. The world does not work this way and quite frankly what you've proposed (free everything) will not happen in our lifetime, if ever.
They don't understand that life is simple. Humans work Automatically, all we need to do is put food and water in our mouths... Is that too hard for you Doer?

Is it too hard for you to live in peace? Are you not peaceful by nature? Maybe you need to be re-educated as to what nature really is.

You seem to talk allot of jibberish Doer, so here's some jibberish for you.

If you mould something for long enough, eventually it will begin to take shape. Therefore if you mould society into a peaceful hub of intelligent and prosperous activity, then eventually it will work!
I know that often times, things don't work because people (like you, doer) don't care for them to work. You're stubborn, and you don't want to accept new idea's, so you shoot them down and it is people like you who make positive idea's fail, with your constant stubborn negativity.

Don't deny the truth, pal.
Well, you are getting less friendly, I can see that.

There is not right or wrong in REAL. And my friend, slavery exists today, quite formally.

Invention are not social constructs, nor are social constructs inventions.

There are only a very few constructs possible and they have all been tried and still are being hauled out and dusted off.

No original thinking since Karl Marx, and that was just very foolish, but original.

Hierarchy and power corruption must be dealt with in any construct. But, almost all depend on magic. They all depend on the mythical good guy working against his best interest. And it depends that every actors is the MGG at all times.

Silly. The rule of law is dangerous and adversarial but, much less bloody. It is this or warlord, no matter what.

It is magic to say, these clever, shiny monkeys we call the human race will ever understand anything
but force and heiracchy

i think you have missed my points and like most reptillian minded individuals only think on the levels of the past and what has worked. well there is a constant struggle and toppling of governments that have followed in the current state. does that not show that these current structures of society are at the very least a poor and misguided choice, and at most treason from within?

inventions are not social constructs..... social constructs are unintentional and sometimes intentional inventions. just like comparing a jungle to a well planned garden. some are planned, some are not. unconscious, semi conscious or fully conscious, be aware of your actions and words, be held accountable for them. anything can be considered an invention, the fact it is means someone, somewhere, somehow, invented it. made it. created it.

and as to this mythical good guy working against his best interests.... cmon really? is it not in all of our best interests to live in a better world, to treat and be treated better, to raise the base level from its current pathetic state to something a little higher?
we have the technology and have had it for a while now to make all knowledge free, make more then enough food and clothing and shelter for all. we have the plans, and the ideas and the will.
all it takes is acceptance that what we have been doing is wrong. plain and simple. it was not in our best interests and we have been led astray.
and in most resource based societies there is a hierarchy, the king is the pooled knowledge of all not just what one person thinks may be right to remain in power.
water finds its own level unless damned, and you sir are acting like a damn.
You missed it.

You say it is for the good of all.

I say you have no idea. There is no well planned garden. Have you been to India?

Even those peaceful monkeys won't stand for it. You are dreaming and suggest we are not up to speed to understand the dream of all mankind.

Who doesn't have the dream? Only Warlords. Who are the Warlords? Look in the mirror, clever shinny monkey.

You are one step from being a warlord. Read Lord of the Flies? Every single religion is about Warlords.

Who do you think these mutual force agreements and Treaties, are about? Tigers? Hippos? No. Other Monkey bands are dangerous.

How can you miss this. Oh right....dreaming.
I know what the problem is.... Doer can't think for him self. He entrusts in other strangers so much that he will not entrust in someone he is able to argue with, and who isn't famous.
1- what is likely to happen now?

For a start forgive me for the attitude, have been up for days studying about growing cannabis and i'm kinda lost on nutrition. :)

Well about politics, the thread is about current situation in Egypt. Hit me with a question and i'll gladly answer, action is too much in here and i've got nothing specific to talk about. What i wanted to clear out is that President Obama and Miss Hillary are playing a dirty game. Backing up the winning card, weakening the country so that Israel is fully functional, as simple as that.

An apology again for the attitude.
Stipulated. This world is entirely fucked up, situation long is doesn't go FUBAR. :)
For a start forgive me for the attitude, have been up for days studying about growing cannabis and i'm kinda lost on nutrition. :)

Well about politics, the thread is about current situation in Egypt. Hit me with a question and i'll gladly answer, action is too much in here and i've got nothing specific to talk about. What i wanted to clear out is that President Obama and Miss Hillary are playing a dirty game. Backing up the winning card, weakening the country so that Israel is fully functional, as simple as that.

An apology again for the attitude.

OK. Fair enough. I would like you to keep us posted. Of course, the dirty game is ancient. And much was invented by Pharaoh, OK. Stipulated. :)

The way it works it to get everyone blaming and taking sides instead of thinking.

Warriors, Thinkers and Dreamers....clever, shinny monkey. We really don't know shit about anything but shoveling shit on the other guy.

Really expert at that above all creatures. Quite a slim claim to fame.
In the 1970's the united states bribed egypts leaders and military to make peace with israel and force it on the egyptian people, from that point on egypt was 2nd in foriegn aid 2nd only to israel. The egyptian people do not like israel and would like to make war, if egypt is really democratic they will make war with israel
Has everyone stopped asking why this is happening? You can say it's various forms of government doing this and doing that but why are they? What is the point? What are they distracting us from? Why are people blindly following? Why are they constantly spewing out the same movie in various forms? What's the main agenda and why? Why is the knowledge (mostly problem solving, how to and where to start, where to move onto, finding solutions) being divided and why are we not treating each other as brothers and instead like servants?
Has everyone stopped asking why this is happening? You can say it's various forms of government doing this and doing that but why are they? What is the point? What are they distracting us from? Why are people blindly following? Why are they constantly spewing out the same movie in various forms? What's the main agenda and why? Why is the knowledge (mostly problem solving, how to and where to start, where to move onto, finding solutions) being divided and why are we not treating each other as brothers and instead like servants?

It is quite a mystery set you have there...But, for myself, I have solved it. I really understand all the reasons for every bit of that. Let's see...6300 some odd post, 1/2 of it, mostly essays on that. (I hear all the groans, you guys)

I tell everyone these day, so I will say to you....Why??? is not a question. Ask another.

How are we going to stop consumerism?
How are we going to input a better societal structure?
What is the best societal structure available?
What is the best societal structure with the knowledge and tools currently available and what tools will be available in the near future?
Where is the best place to start?
Where do we want to end up?
When can this be accomplished?
Who is needed?
Who is not and how can we help them become a useful part?
How are we going to stop consumerism?
How are we going to input a better societal structure?
What is the best societal structure available?
What is the best societal structure with the knowledge and tools currently available and what tools will be available in the near future?
Where is the best place to start?
Where do we want to end up?
When can this be accomplished?
Who is needed?
Who is not and how can we help them become a useful part?

Very nice. And I thank you.

Perhaps I will answer in line?

How are we going to stop consumerism?

Good topic. Let's define consumerism. But, it can fall away, in part. See below.

How are we going to input a better societal structure?

We make sure we spend our input toward our better ideas of that. See Below.

What is the best societal structure available?

We understand that better is the goal and the quest. There is no best. That is a condition of strife. We may clear our minds of strife only by practice of Now.

What is the best societal structure with the knowledge and tools currently available and what tools will be available in the near future?

See above, below, all around. Now is all there is. Entropy frees Energy. The nattering mind is the thief of Time. Knowledge of Self can be quite evident. But, its extent can become LARGE and unfathomable. All action and energy occurs everywhere, Now.

Where is the best place to start?

We start within in ourselves in the very Now, unhampered
by fear, expectation and regret.

Where do we want to end up?

Better and better, without end.

When can this be accomplished?

We only have Now.

Who is needed?

All are needed to break the cycles of being raised, as we all are, in the War Cults.

Who is not and how can we help them become a useful part?

Breath Deep. Know Now. Know Self. Pay Forward and encourage the same.

Thus it is every so.
i know.

we can do better so dont even play.

turn the crown upside down and fill it with knowledge, become a true king.......#

it is time to get out of the circuit and do better. it is time to remove the illusions and evolve.
You missed it.

You say it is for the good of all.

I say you have no idea. There is no well planned garden. Have you been to India?

Even those peaceful monkeys won't stand for it. You are dreaming and suggest we are not up to speed to understand the dream of all mankind.

Who doesn't have the dream? Only Warlords. Who are the Warlords? Look in the mirror, clever shinny monkey.

You are one step from being a warlord. Read Lord of the Flies? Every single religion is about Warlords.

Who do you think these mutual force agreements and Treaties, are about? Tigers? Hippos? No. Other Monkey bands are dangerous.

How can you miss this. Oh right....dreaming.

not once have i mentioned religion being right or acceptable.

there are planned gardens and communities everywhere. whether to the extent you are thinking or with organized chaos or whatever is up to the gardener/s

who doesnt dream? only warlords? how can you miss this? you are dreaming! ......

You are dreaming and suggest we are not up to speed to understand the dream of all mankind. i did not say this. you inferred it and are trying to put words in my mouth. what is the dream of all mankind?????

this by the way is just to prove most of what you have been spewing is nothing but contradictions and lies of your own ill conceived perception.
Society should work in such a way that everyone is taken care of symbiotically.

Allow me to propose a way to ensure this very idea that has all the hallmarks of excellence: it is simple and elegant, and it is also universal.

That idea is to retain the money economy.

The hallmark od symbiosis is that each participant provides/contributes a benefit to the composite organism.
Money allows one to valuate and quantify the degree of benefit.
If you cannot or do not want to pay for your basic needs, you have disqualified yourself as a symbiont and shown yourself a parasite ... and here is the elegant bit. Since money provides a consensual metric (price) for each benefit, you have shown by how much you either are a symbiont or a parasite.

I am delighted by the sheer power of this idea. People need to work (confer benefit) to make the money (the measure of benefit) that buys them a precise amount of symbiont status. The rest are the definitive parasites, the drag on the social organism. Think of it as evolution in action. cn
Exactly ^

It's apparent to me that these guys feels baited whenever they see one of my posts anyway, regardless of whether their input it relevant or not. Anyway, Onto the topic!


I thought the guy in the video made a very good point when he said something along the lines of "the usa would normally step in and help the citizens of a country overthrow their government if and when such large numbers came about in a revolution, but in this case usa are keeping absolutely quite which suggests that they clearly want the current ruling party in Egypt to stay where they are because that is of most benefit to usa."


We just gave the egyptians 4 F-16's ... Kinda embarrassing to have to topple the government after that.

US policy SUCKS!!!