Well-Known Member
I wonder if Dr Zahi Hawass is still ruling the ruins with an iron fist.
Well, yes. They can't actually dismiss the Brotherhood, can they? That didn't get Sadat very far. Good point.
I wonder if Dr Zahi Hawass is still ruling the ruins with an iron fist.
Well, yes. They can't actually dismiss the Brotherhood, can they? That didn't get Sadat very far. Good point.
Well, we bought those 3 pyramids, secretly for the World Heritage Foundation and the Tri-Lateral Commission. Not.
Egypt is in treaty so we own their asses that way. We own their asses about the Abrams and the Fighter aircraft. Hopefully backdoored in the software to prevent pointing at Israel, intended as a wall against Iran.
Other than that, you are making it too simple as a jest me thinks.
So, you realize they are quadrahedrons. The buried, faceted propulsion system is the other Lateral for the Commission....yessssssss.
No, that is not my point, you're an idiot.
Don't go trying to make it look like my point had anything to do with "the Brotherhood" or dismissing them, or Sadat.
Seig Heil bro, Seig Heil.America is the slave nation of the world. The citizens have all been brainwashed to love their country so much (with Patriotism) that they can not be convinced of anything which does not obnoxiously scream, imply or directly say that their nation is the greatest in the world. I bet the kids sing the national anthem at school 3x a day. Its common knowledge that their government is controlled by the jews and the US residents are fed tons of harmful substances just like lab rats.
From birth they are fed lies and taught to think and care about the most simple, ridiculous and stupid irrelevant things in life, which is why they are so? uh? intellectually challenged.
They love to validate the false belief that they are great by bragging about how many great things their country has done for the world, but in actual fact the reality is that "someone else" did all of those things! and it is really only the masses who are being controlled like mice in a lab.
Just read doers posts.. He thinks America Owns the Pyramids and that by extension he also owns them.
The whole world scoffs at the American government for being probably the MOST corrupt nation in the world, yet in the heart of a US American, they are the best country in the world.
isn't that odd???
I'm not a Yank, you fucking White Power Retard.Oh you're American? see guys, Harrekin thinks I would deem an old Nazi salute as "acceptable". Those yanks man, they're totally backwards.
But who will save them?
It is just that we don't give a shit what other people think. Self Rule.
It is just that we don't give a shit what other people think. Self Rule.
America has become more restrictive than this shit-hole man.No really. Call it what you will. We simply do not care that you think one way or another. If you sling shit or eat it.
We care not. In this we are strong.
We are self centered in self rule and there is nothing the world can do but spew insults.
We don't care about your fake pity or fake pronouncements. Don't care.
Nie obchodzi mnie jak mnie będziesz nazywał.
Well sorry asshole, I thought i would throw you a bone.... It is a dull wit indeed that cannot make a point.
Why don't you say what the fuck you mean......ever?