Eight days into flowering... Is this a male (with pics) : (


Well-Known Member
If its got balls that are evident in the nodes, that is prolly just new growth..
Could poss be hermie. but only time would tell really.


Well-Known Member
dont be hasty, leave it for a few days, it aint gonna hurt none if it is a male, if its hermie, and you got no other plants, you could grow it out or junk it and start a new batch.


Active Member
Ok well now I'm completely sure its not a male... there are little white hairs coming out of every node!! But there still are a few sack looking things in the nodes. Does that mean its a hermie... is there anything I can do to change it back or anything to do with a hermie. How does this happen!?!?!


Well-Known Member
You can't change it to a female, its already both male and female, but if its your only plant you can try cutting off any male parts to keep the female parts virgin


Active Member
i had a plant that was a hermie and the buds were just as good as shit u get off the street!! just had alot of seeds not as potent as sinsi!! i would let it keep growing and cut off as many of the male sacs as u can!! :blsmoke:


Active Member
i had a plant that was a hermie and the buds were just as good as shit u get off the street!! just had alot of seeds not as potent as sinsi!! i would let it keep growing and cut off as many of the male sacs as u can!! :blsmoke:
Hey do you just use scissors or what when trying to cut off all the male parts. Arent there many sacks that are hidden in the buds and stuff that you might never see??


Active Member
Don't trust my word on this, however I was talking to a guy I know about growing, and I vaguely remember this. (Was very under the influence). He said having male plants around the pollen? in it hooks up to the females and just fucks everything over? hah I'm not too sure I'm still on my first grow!


Active Member
yeah I just used cuticle scissors to cut them off! but ur right after a few weeks you'll see little yellow sacs that look like bananas comin out of the buds! but as long as u let it finish the flowering cycle you'll still get buds they will just have seeds in them!! and they wont be as potent!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
cannibutter :)

Water + crushed plant + Butter... then boil for 20 mins... stir... put it in the fridge for 1 hour or 2... and then all the butter will seperate from the water, and THC + all the plant will get sucked in by the butter.

Atfirst the water is green..

when you take the butter out of the water.. the water is clear.

If so.. that means the butter sucked up everything :)

The brownies i made were insane!!!