Eight days into flowering... Is this a male (with pics) : (


Active Member
Wow! That's mad! I want to make Cannibutter :D

I've never actually seen a hermie plant before... How rare is that?


Well-Known Member
Someone correct me if i'm wrong, but if you have a hermie i'm fairly sure u can just keep castrating it and buds will grow regardless. I'm not sure if bud potency is reduced or not.

I don't think they're outlandishly rare...from what i've gathered it's hereditary or results from a weird lighting schedule...


Active Member
It could have been hereditary I'm not sure... I had the lights on 24 hours straight and about two weeks ago switched over to 12 on 12 off. I have been trying my best to continue to clip off all of the small sacks that have formed in the nodes. I am trying to reduce the male sacks while trying to promote bud growth... I am using some bloom booster 10-30-10 as well. Any suggestion's guys? Here are some new pictures I took this morning...



Active Member
cannibutter :)

Water + crushed plant + Butter... then boil for 20 mins... stir... put it in the fridge for 1 hour or 2... and then all the butter will seperate from the water, and THC + all the plant will get sucked in by the butter.

Atfirst the water is green..

when you take the butter out of the water.. the water is clear.

If so.. that means the butter sucked up everything :)

The brownies i made were insane!!!
You made cannibutter with a male plant or a hermie?? Wouldn't anything from a male plant be pointless, because there is no thc? What in your opinion should I do, keep growing it and cuting out the male parts, or should I make cannibutter. Also, how long should you keep your plant in the flowering stage before it is ready to harvest????


Well-Known Member
Blondie made the butter outa a male. Personally i'd keep clipping off the balls and harvest the buds. I'm hoping someone will confirm what i'm saying...

Not sure on how long to flower, someone else tell him.... but it boils down to the trichs...strain and setup dependant i guess



Active Member
trichs? So you actually get high off of male cannibutter. Can anyone tell me how this is even possible? Isn't there no thc????


Well-Known Member
I think the appearance of the trichs...the frosty shit on ya buds...is a good indicator of when to harvest.

I think there is thc in males, just fuck all, not enough to get high from smoking cones, but enough to pulverise a whole male plant and extract for butter...

I also think i have as much experience as you, but you're being a bit lazy and haven't done much research = P fully no offence, just a hint.



Well-Known Member
You Can bud a hermie even without clipping the pollen sack...It will pollenate its self and you will end up with a subpar thc level and buds full of seed...though i have heard of people cliping pollen sacks and harvesting sinsemilla


Active Member
sinsemilla?? So I have a male plant, can I really make cannibutter and get high from it... honestly cause I'll make that shit right now


Well-Known Member
sinsemilla?? So I have a male plant, can I really make cannibutter and get high from it... honestly cause I'll make that shit right now
Sensemilla is Spanish for seedless...as to the male/butter question...ive never heard of that but i cant imagine there Is a wholelot of THC on that male of urs


Well-Known Member
what you talkin about? male plants do carry some thc...pretty low... but it does have it... my plant was pretty big... so basically when you boil it and use the butter. it kinda sucks all the thc from the plant. into the small form of butter.

I noticed i got fucked up.. after a half of a brownie. i gave some to a friend of mine. and fell right to sleep.

If ur not ganna keep ur hermie.. urs will be stronger as it has female parts :)


Well-Known Member
Sensemilla is Spanish for seedless...as to the male/butter question...ive never heard of that but i cant imagine there Is a wholelot of THC on that male of urs
"Cant imagine there is a wholelot" pretty much same as pretty low.....id say make the butter outta sumthing good much the weakest plant you can find


Well-Known Member
was told to yank the babies a few days ago...i didnt...i waited, and sure enough the hairs started popping out of nowhere. if yours has balls, then its probably hermie. still produces buds!