Election deniers, how do you feel about recent Fox testimony?

Biden is doing a bang up job.
And yet his approval numbers are awful.
It suggests to me that most Americans have no clue how hard his administration has been working.

Someone recently opined that we could use another Obama. Thing is, that is what we have in his former veep. But man does he have an image problem in an America that is electing frank fascists at the state level.
Ya know...I regret voting for that big fucktard a few years ago. I renounce what i believed about him and what fox news told me.

When i registered to vote this year i went Independent because fuck both the Democrats and republicans.

Yeah i was an election denier but brother i have seen the light!!!
Ya know...I regret voting for that big fucktard a few years ago. I renounce what i believed about him and what fox news told me.

When i registered to vote this year i went Independent because fuck both the Democrats and republicans.

Yeah i was an election denier but brother i have seen the light!!!
you're half way home, but you still got a ways to go....
...fuck both the Democrats and republicans.

Yeah i was an election denier but brother i have seen the light!!!
Don't do what they both want, esp. repubs, and volunteer to disenfranchise yourself from picking the right person and not a nazi, dictator.
Good for you, so then make damn sure you vote for the person who'll beat the repubs, and it will NOT BE an INDY!
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The election was 100% corrupted. In fact corruption is so deeply imbedded into the american politics that every election over the past 40 years has been corrupt.
That's such a qanon, lying, GOP party line. Same as how the GOP accuses dems of eating babies, when they're the ones who get imprisoned for pedophilia at the highest level (think Jim Jordan -- not imprisoned, but should be) and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (imprisoned) and their religious leaders who accuse yet indulge in trading methamphetamines for homosexual sex . Then they start yelling about fake elections when Dumbya wins with his brother, Gov. Jeb, in Florida and FL's Kathleen Harris invalidating 70,000 votes thus swinging that state's votes for Dumbya, when Gore had more popular votes across the board. Then the GOP and Dumbya won again by cheating in '04. The blatant hypocrisy is all in their corner. The GOP does evil and accuses the dems of it. STOP THIS DAMN MADNESS, OKAY? Trump didn't win the pop vote against Hillary, and of course not against Biden. Trump didn't have the largest amount of spectators in history at his inauguration. They lie, lie LIE! Just because they say it was not an attack on the Capitol, did you see it? Would you want "visitors" come to your house behaving that way? Trump egging them on w/his not-so-subtle urgings to take back your country, fight, etc. Inciting a riot is what he did, and did it knowingly. There's no question, YOU WITNESSED IT! What is it you think the dems are taking from you? Why fight, we can still have a good democratic nation, don't vote for evil men. Vote for men who behave as though they have a conscience and a bit of compassion, instead of rude, insulting, orange demonic babbling idiots.
I’m sincerely curious how election deniers and other maga folk feel about the recent testimonies from various Fox News personalities related to the Dominion voting machine law suit.

The loudest, most influential voices at Fox, including their owner, have admitted under oath that they knew the election fraud rhetoric was nonsense, and yet the perpetuated the story nonetheless.

Does this change anyone’s feeling about the election? To any deniers, do you think you would feel as you do if it weren’t for FOX news coverage (which they’ve now admitted to be knowingly false)?
The trial begins today. No more lies without serious consequences. No more one-sided messages. Every witness giving testimony is subject to cross examination. It's different now.

Too funny how trolls show up in this thread and try to derail it. Desperation is in the air. The ability to maliciously lie for profit is on trial. I hope the judge awards triple damages.

The trial begins today. No more lies without serious consequences. No more one-sided messages. Every witness giving testimony is subject to cross examination. It's different now.

Too funny how trolls show up in this thread and try to derail it. Desperation is in the air. The ability to maliciously lie for profit is on trial. I hope the judge awards triple damages.

The right-troll traffic serves a purpose not unlike the Bulletin doomsday clock.

tick tick, fascist liemongers

The voting company wouldn't want them after all their brand value is lost during this trial AND it's constrained to tell the truth by the order of the court.

yeah they'll prolly shut them down or something.

came across this:
"The judge has ruled, and will instruct the jury, that all of Fox’s statements were false. But Dominion still has the right to make its case. So they are going to present the statements, from their first opening, in all their lurid detail. Fox has to just sit there and take it."

this is gonna be good..
Ya know...I regret voting for that big fucktard a few years ago. I renounce what i believed about him and what fox news told me.

When i registered to vote this year i went Independent because fuck both the Democrats and republicans.

Yeah i was an election denier but brother i have seen the light!!!
I’m saddened how far the Republican Party has deteriorated