Electronic ballast problem

Boris Sputnik

Active Member
Hi everyone !

I have a IPower 600 Watts dimmable electronic ballast . It's in its second batch only and sometimes the light will flicker . Like if I would play with the dimmer switch from 600 to 450 ... Sometimes it's OK .
I tryied to dimm it and bring it back ,but now it won't even dim anymore .
Anyone ran into that kind of problem ? It's not on the garanty anymore ....
I don't even know if it's stuck to 450 or 600 watts .
Any ideas ?
Thanks !



Well-Known Member
"Dimmable" works best with the appropriate bulb. "1000" setting is best suited for a 1k bulb, 600 is best suited by a 600w. Some bulbs do not like being dimmed, whether or not they "work", using the appropriate bulb fascilitates proper spectrum.

Boris Sputnik

Active Member
"Dimmable" works best with the appropriate bulb. "1000" setting is best suited for a 1k bulb, 600 is best suited by a 600w. Some bulbs do not like being dimmed, whether or not they "work", using the appropriate bulb fascilitates proper spectrum.
Thanks Odin for the answer . I wish you are right dude . It did work before , I mean the dimmer , but not anymore .
I 'm changing the bulb in two weeks for the HPS , I will test it if it dims ...