Elons Little Plan


Well-Known Member
He's baaack! Elon resurrects Cheeto Jesus!

That Man said he likes his own now because of the black screen which is 'easier on the eyes.':lol:

Why is Musk so intent on burning our country down like all of a sudden? Or has this been in the works?


Well-Known Member
I don't believe him, he will grasp at any platform as he grows more desperate, probably will cross post from his own social media bullshit factory. He is gonna need to stir up violence, to show the DOJ it's not worth it to prosecute him, or so he thinks, Jack will cut him off at the knees if he tries.

Other than Maralago seizure and a depo or two..not a thing has been done to this man in order to achieve accountability for the rest of us..Stare Decisis comes from the first case and THIS is it..Special Prosecuter just reminds me of a return to Mueller days..I know circumstances are not the same but we wish justice in a timely manner just like any other regular person who has done an injustice.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
It may give Elon the eyeballs of those watching a trainwreck, but it won't translate into advertising dollars. Competition will soon be available, and Donald will do for Twitter what he did for the GOP. If this is an evil plan it is a fucking bad one! All three of these clowns will go down together and only Elon has a lifeboat, Trump will go to jail and Putin out a window. All the good people will leave, but might stick around for Donald's downfall, in fact that could be part of Elon's plan, he knows about Jack too! Donald might soon be muzzled by a judge or removed from society by Jack, problem solved for Elon and a temporary boost in viewership, while the whole sordid mess plays out in real time on twitter.
you give musk too much credit...which is actually giving him any credit, nothing he's done for the past 3 or 4 years has been according to any kind of plan. people with a plan don't do multiple idiotic things in a row...unless it's a profoundly stupid plan...which is possible.
he has no plan to get a ratings boost from trump, he plans to let trump run wild and spout undiluted, unedited hate and stupidity, because that's what he himself believes. he's been showing us who he is, quit trying to invent something better. he's just another rich douche nozzle republican suckup. that's really all he's ever been, a fascist fuck, with horrible humaning skills.


Well-Known Member
you give musk too much credit...which is actually giving him any credit, nothing he's done for the past 3 or 4 years has been according to any kind of plan. people with a plan don't do multiple idiotic things in a row...unless it's a profoundly stupid plan...which is possible.
he has no plan to get a ratings boost from trump, he plans to let trump run wild and spout undiluted, unedited hate and stupidity, because that's what he himself believes. he's been showing us who he is, quit trying to invent something better. he's just another rich douche nozzle republican suckup. that's really all he's ever been, a fascist fuck, with horrible humaning skills.
Hey, I'm looking for motives that drive actions and I'm not giving him any credit. He got himself in a jam with Twitter by fucking up bigly and allowing his ego to lead him round by the nose, nothing new with this guy. Getting Trump back on will drive up viewership and drive away ad revenue, he will come back, he needs to. However, Jack might make his stay short and dramatic, and it is interesting that Elon announced this just after the special council was appointed. Donald will serve his purpose for a short time, kinda like what he did for the democrats, which is one reason justice took so long.

I think Elon has a bit of psycho streak in him narcissists often do and is somewhat impulsive. He's an asshole alright and a dangerous one, he's what happens when ya don't tax the rich enough, they keep accumulating it and eventually own ya and everything around ya, because they will keep rigging the system and buying politicians until they do. People have other priorities, like culture wars and they are taking over, and some billionaires promote this with hate radio and foxnews. They know how to run the suckers and use their character flaws against them while filling their heads with alternative facts and hate, one fact remains however, their wealth.


Well-Known Member
I’m sure each and every very one of us although feeling we don’t support Elon will be checking twitter
Refresh refresh refresh :oops: :roll:
The press is more concerned about Twitter than most, it is a good way to pick up and share news, if you are a reporter, you are on twitter. No need to check twitter, it will be all over the news just as fast and with copies of the tweets.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member