Elons Little Plan

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
good advice, for bad reasons...i piss myself off by going to those sites occasionally, to keep an eye on what the white supremacists, christian nationalists, psycho militia members, Karens and Kens are up to...because there is no fucking way i'm not keeping an eye on them.
i make a few incendiary comments, and then leave. to be perfectly honest with you, i'm not feeling particularly blessed to be an American lately...i'm kind of ashamed of our behavior, en masse, of the last 6 years in particular, and really, ever since reagan got elected...he was the beginning of the current campaign to keep rich white fucks rich, and everyone else irrelevant. rich republican fucks have been pissing down our necks since before reagan ever uttered the phrase trickle down economics...why didn't he just tell the truth? "we're going to take more of your money, give you less benefits for it, rape the environment, trash banking regulations, and you get the crumbs that fall from our mouths."
who knows what or who to believe --maybe our "gut" feeling and being a good person will help - I try not to think about those "idiots BUT this is america guess thay havr the right to be idiots" !!!!!!

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Doing good just triggers republicans and makes those who do a target!

Poor Doc and Mush dosen't anyone give him (MUSK) credit for what he has and is going to accomplish in Space ? If it hadn't been for him and the aliens we wouldn't have accomplished our recent space programs !! they still shouldn't threaten his family things are going/ getting out of hand way to far in america THIS is not the America I remember and fought for ---PEACE TOO much Chaso (which we create )

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
who knows what or who to believe --maybe our "gut" feeling and being a good person will help - I try not to think about those "idiots BUT this is america guess thay havr the right to be idiots" !!!!!!
they do have a right to be an idiot..they also have the right to vote, no matter how motherfucking stupid they are. i keep suggesting that there should be a mandatory awareness test before you're allowed to vote, where you have to have at least a minimal awareness of the issues and candidates in the election, before you're allowed to express an opinion, and i keep getting told that it's better to allow fucknut morons to vote than it is to take the effort to ensure that the test isn't used to disenfranchise people who do not deserve to be disenfranchised...
which could be easily ensured if there was federal oversight of all elections, which also should happen...
but until then, idiot votes matter...for some fucking incredibly stupid reason...


Well-Known Member
Poor Doc and Mush dosen't anyone give him (MUSK) credit for what he has and is going to accomplish in Space ? If it hadn't been for him and the aliens we wouldn't have accomplished our recent space programs !! they still shouldn't threaten his family things are going/ getting out of hand way to far in america THIS is not the America I remember and fought for ---PEACE TOO much Chaso (which we create )
Who is threatening his family? Generally people who support liberal democracy and the rule of law don't do that, it's on the right is where most of the lunatics are by far and most republicans these days can be considered on a mental health spectrum that ranges from psychotic to character flawed. It's not so much about politics than knowing yer arse from a hole in the ground and basic right from wrong.

He did not invent SpaceX other talented people did, he supplied the cash and largely got out of the way. Something he should have done with Twitter. Tesla and solar roofs are facing stiff competition now after piss poor service records, Elon would be wise to get out and sell them before his past catches up to him.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
So uh, was his little plan to stop being the richest person. Because he stopped being the richest person.

Maybe if you fixed my solar panels this wouldn't have happened Elon.

And that crypto guy got arrested for stealing everyone's video game gold.
the corporations that are now monolithic monsters started out when customer service meant something, and you had to have a good product, or you would disappear like a meteor bouncing off the atmosphere. they made things that lasted, and could be repaired. they also had people who would repair them, either for free, or for a reasonable fee. that has vanished from the face of the Earth...things are designed to be cheap, disposable, non durable, unrepairable...they want you to have to replace anything you buy within a few years, so they can sell you more cheap garbage.
that attitude has also become pervasive in "customer service". if you have any complaints, they'll be polite, usually, but they're basically telling you, well, exactly what i just said, "buy our cheap garbage, if we made a quality product, we couldn't sell you more cheap garbage when this garbage wears out." that's why they have no interest in repairing anything, even supposedly durable things like home solar panel systems. that's why existing infrastructure is allowed to continue to slowly collapse.


Well-Known Member
he ony was yo deal with "politicts" is smoke a fat one !!!! (hell I can't even spell correctly) think I should smoke a bowl
Look at it as the greatest show on earth and the republicans are providing the three ring circus, seriously, these guys are nuts these days and it shows. The comedy writes itself and ya can't make this shit up, 2023 promises to be a busy year in court for Trump and a lot of other republicans, get popcorn, there are a lot of laughs to be had as these assholes dance, squeal and twist in the wind.


Well-Known Member
Ya know Elon is looking more like Trump more everyday, from his ego driven blunder with twitter, to his life of lies, overhyping products and failed promises, screwing people after sales and now not paying his bills. No honor, no integrity, the worlds greediest man is also the most worthless as a human being, or becoming that way. He appears to be spiraling downward and exhibiting bad judgement that is affecting his other businesses. He appears to be spending more time on twitter defending his ego than he is in running it into the ground.

If a company like Twitter doesn't pay its bills, it probably means Elon is planning on leading it into bankruptcy. Screw the investors, then buy up the pieces for cheap after, or start from scratch just buying the name and a few other essentials. Right now he is dumping his own money into it to keep it afloat and cutting staff. How much will the name be worth though if he destroys the brand and bankrupts Twitter just to get out from under a mountain of debt and a drain on his fortune. He payed 4 times what it was worth and this is the only possible way out for him, death by mismanagement and being an asshole who drives away ad revenue by his mere presence on his own site.



Well-Known Member
is tesla's self driving system worth a shit?....muck won't share data with anyone, but the data coming in from a volunteer beta program looks like it sucks ass...
You would think a normal person with a billion or two would be pretty content and probably spend a lot of time helping others, if they were wise, because that tends to make people happy and feel useful to the community. Some are different though, driven by greed, not need and they haven't a clue about the difference. It's about priorities, greed versus just about everything else in life, it becomes a substitute for a life and one of several paths to perdition as the mode of thinking becomes entrenched in the mind. You are what you do and what you do makes your habits and shapes your perspective.

Elon thought owning twitter would make him happy, popular and loved, while making him money and giving him political power at a social media choke point. The best laid plans of men and mice... The bottom line is according to experts he paid 4 times what it was worth and screwed himself even more by injecting himself as a mad philosopher king. He's hell bent on destroying it's brand and ad revenue, while being put out of business by regulators at home and abroad as twitter turns in the parlor.
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Well-Known Member
what a motherfucking hypocritical piece of shit...this guy posting publicly available data is BAD...but muck posting shit like "my pronouns are prosecute/Fauci" is fine? fuck muck, fuck muck's kid, fuck muck's jet...i hope the fucking thing crashes into twitter headquarters and kills him.
Like I said, he acting more like Donald everyday. This moron should be under palm trees in a hammock, instead of fighting for his egotistical life, such that it is. He is on his own social media platform doing and saying dumb shit while being trolled to death by some of the best wits on the planet as twitter slides into obscurity over the next few years, Elon has serious competition for EVs and Solar roofs by better run companies, even SpaceX is facing competition and he will have Twitter competition too.


Ursus marijanus