Elons Little Plan

Hate groups and psychos are back on twitter with accounts fully restored, others on the left or liberals have "trouble" with their accounts and when the ones on the left were restored, their followers and content weren't. Elon is gonna have regulator and advertiser trouble and if he turns Twitter into parlor it will end up as a rightwing echo chamber and targeting app for domestic terrorists. That might be OK and freedumb in America, but not so much in other countries and the EU.

I rarely agree with Musk but he got this right.

are you sure you rarely agree with him? she is acting in the best interest of sinema...which is all she's ever done. her voting record is coincidental, Biden's agenda dovetailed with her own for quite a while, but the first time it didn't, she shit on that agenda, and pursued her own interests.
why do you keep going on about independents? i'll bet you 100 bucks right now that neither one of us will live to see an independent win president, or even vp...they have no unified party behind them, they have no network to rely on, they have small donors to fund them...they can't compete, and never will be able to until they form a party of their own, with some well established members...
there are three independent senators, out of 100. none in congress that i can find mention of, no independent governors...you say we're blind, but we don't belong to a party that can never achieve anything, for anyone, anywhere...:???: that sounds blind, to me.
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They are coming next week to pretend to fix my shit again. My little online chat was funny getting stuff scheduled.

"Thank you for scheduling my appointment. They have come out several times and they claim it is fixed and leave but clearly it is not. I would like a credit for the months we have paid for service that does not work."

*10 minutes pass*

...agent has left the chat.
They are coming next week to pretend to fix my shit again. My little online chat was funny getting stuff scheduled.

"Thank you for scheduling my appointment. They have come out several times and they claim it is fixed and leave but clearly it is not. I would like a credit for the months we have paid for service that does not work."

*10 minutes pass*

...agent has left the chat.
Have a chat with the repair crew, chances are they are being screwed too by faulty equipment that should never have been used without more testing and are running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Likewise for the agent who couldn't take bullshitting people anymore and left the chat. There must be a class action lawsuit on the go, Elon has deep pockets, so go online, find it, join it and make a claim. Here is some help to get you going.

are you sure you rarely agree with him? she is acting in the best interest of sinema...which is all she's ever done. her voting record is coincidental, Biden's agenda dovetailed with her own for quite a while, but the first time it didn't, she shit on that agenda, and pursued her own interests.
why do you keep going on about independents? i'll bet you 100 bucks right now that neither one of us will live to see an independent win president, or even vp...they have no unified party behind them, they have no network to rely on, they have small donors to fund them...they can't compete, and never will be able to until they form a party of their own, with some well established members...
there are three independent senators, out of 100. none in congress that i can find mention of, no independent governors...you say we're blind, but we don't belong to a party that can never achieve anything, for anyone, anywhere...:???: that sounds blind, to me.

That's what all politicians do.

Obama became President despite the political apparatus that tried to stop him and push a different candidate. It can be done. He might have ran as a Democrat but the Democrats political machine fought against him all the way to the end. It wasn't until it was obvious that they sent Diane Feinstein to finally tell Clinton that the people had spoken. Up until that moment the Democratic apparatus was still not behind Obama but the people were.

Obama built his own apparatus and steamrolled the Democratic machine. He was never the choice that the powers at be wanted. He went on to make history and was without question one of the greatest Presidents the United States has ever had.

The Problem With Tesla’s Solar Roof

Tesla and Elon Musk have been on a mission to make their Solar Roof tiles the go-to solution if you’re considering a new roof plus solar panels. Why buy and install two separate products when you can make one that does both? I don’t know about you, but my neighborhood has a lot of solar panels, but is still looking a little scrimpy on the solar roof front. So what happened? Increased prices, installation times that still take the better part of a week, and new solar roof tile and shingle competition that may beat Tesla on price and installation time. There’s some interesting solar tile and shingle competition out there now, like new solar roof shingles that got a lot of buzz at this year’s CES. But where are they?
That's what all politicians do.

Obama became President despite the political apparatus that tried to stop him and push a different candidate. It can be done. He might have ran as a Democrat but the Democrats political machine fought against him all the way to the end. It wasn't until it was obvious that they sent Diane Feinstein to finally tell Clinton that the people had spoken. Up until that moment the Democratic apparatus was still not behind Obama but the people were.

Obama built his own apparatus and steamrolled the Democratic machine. He was never the choice that the powers at be wanted. He went on to make history and was without question one of the greatest Presidents the United States has ever had.
i quit reading after your first line...you started out with a faulty premise, and i'm not reading past it.
all politicians are not the same, and never have been. you allow your own pessimism to color your perceptions, and then tell the rest of us we're myopic when we don't agree with you.
just to make this clear, i am not against a third party, or a fourth party, or how ever many can rise up and sustain themselves...but why do you think that an independent party will be any different than the two we already have, when your prime statement is "That's what all politicians do." ?
if that is what ALL politicians do, why would any number of parties make any difference what so ever?
…if he meant a word of it….

Good point. It might also be a hint to others that there might be something in it for them if they leave a specific party. I don't trust that guy one bit. No doubt he wants to become the next Murdoch. That's why he bought Twitter in the first place. He'll more than likely branch out into other media as well. Radio, television, etc...

I really wish these clowns would meddle in their own countries politics and stay out of ours.
…if he meant a word of it….
He needs attention and so does she, a match made in heaven, and she can be bought like a whore no sweat, she has experience whoring. Elon needs eyeballs for his folly, but the ads aren't following the eyeballs because of "brand image" concerns, it's why Parlor has no ads. Elon paid four times what Twitter was worth, he fucked up and knew it months before he was forced to go through with the deal. He also has EU regulators to contend with and they don't buy the "free speech" bullshit, they call it hate speech.

Elon has competition breathing down his neck for everything from twitter with new startups, to solar roofs, and every automaker on the planet is now making EVs or soon will be, even Spacex has competition.
Truth social is a Twitter clone and about to go bankrupt, competition could be as simple as buying, firing the assholes who run it, then rename and rebrand it. Elon is doing the same thing, but he is on the wrong side of history, the internet and how commerce works on it. Elon will have competition, this shit affects celebrities, reporters, pundits and politicians, but most of all it affects advertising. People forgive honest mistakes much faster than moral failures and Elon has created a vacuum in an important niche on the internet that others will fill with twitter clones or improved versions. He can generate all the controversy he wants and capture as many eyeballs as he can, but ad revenue pays the bills and it's costing Elon a fortune in his own cash to keep it afloat. Twitter is also consuming him, his ego and hubris are the bait that's sucking him into bad decisions and dumb moves. He is spending more time on Twitter blathering and running the platform into the ground like a despot, than running the company or any of his other companies, which might be for the best.

It sure seems like Elon Musk is purging left-leaning Twitter accounts
Image:Elon Musk speaks during a press conference at SpaceX's Starbase facility near Boca Chica Village in South Texas.

Elon Musk has presented his brief tenure as the CEO of Twitter as a bid to revive "free speech" on the platform. But there are signs that he is quietly suspending left-leaning Twitter accounts for ideological reasons, while reinstating far-right accounts that broke Twitter's rules in the past.

It's a deeply worrisome development. Musk has established himself as the fickle king of the one of the most influential public squares in the anglophone world. He currently has absolute power to silence any dissent in a space where news and commentary go a long way toward shaping political possibility. Right now it looks he's choosing to intervene against the left, while simultaneously reactivating accounts of neo-Nazis and other far-right figures who were generally booted off the platform for hate speech or incitement to violence. The emerging picture is a political agenda to tilt the platform in favor of the far right.

One thing two accounts suspended last week had in common is that they both very recently mocked Musk.
According to a report in The Intercept, Musk has suspended several notable left-wing accounts over the past week or so. A number of them were anti-fascist researchers and organizers who focused on documenting far-right activity.

Notably, the disabled accounts documented in the report were singled out for criticism by the far-right writer Andy Ngo, who Musk often publicly interacts with on Twitter. "Musk invited Ngo to report 'Antifa accounts' that should be suspended directly to him," the Intercept reported. In at least once case, Ngo seems to have succeeded at directing Musk to suspend an account that Ngo failed to get suspended by Twitter before Musk took over the company.

There have been other puzzling examples of Twitter disproportionately suspending liberal or left-leaning accounts — some of which are just as mysteriously reinstated later — for no obvious reason can be explained by Twitter's terms of service. But one thing two accounts suspended last week had in common is that they both very recently mocked Musk.

These kinds of suspensions have a chilling effect on speech on the platform. I comment regularly on Musk on Twitter, and I'm now more concerned about how I word my critical posts because I fear being kicked off a platform that's essential for my livelihood. I've also noticed several examples of Twitter users who find my views objectionable tagging Musk in their responses to my tweets, with the intention of getting my account flagged or suspended.

That practice of tagging Musk to get his attention illustrates a recognition of the emerging reality that Twitter is being run as a dictatorship. Like any dictator, Musk appears sensitive about his power and arbitrary in his judgments. He's suspending accounts unilaterally without clear explanations. He threatened permanent bans after users went wild impersonating him. He's making hugely consequential decisions about reinstating political figures who have incited violence, like former President Donald Trump, through preposterous user polls rigged in favor of an outcome he prefers.

Twitter is in a state of unusual chaos due to Musk's managerial strategy, which has involved him instantly laying off most of the company's staff. Theoretically, one could give him him the benefit of the doubt and surmise that skyrocketing hate speech is a temporary hiccup that necessarily accompanies a massive rehaul of a company that's always been far from perfect.

But Musk has forfeited his right to that generosity through his own reckless and clearly politically motivated behavior in sabotaging Twitter's verification system, his eagerness to court right-wing attention, and his open flirtation with white supremacist ideology. In light of his embrace of an authoritarian movement, it seems more than plausible that Musk wants to run Twitter as an authoritarian as well.
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All the Hunter shit is well known and has been spread by the right for years, there are no surprises. Twitter is full of Tweets by lunatics and assholes saying the former Twitter executives will be in prison over it. The 44 billion satire thread is now full of rightwing trolls and not much satire about Elon's folly.
