Encountered a few issues with my super automatic sativas!


New Member
Hey guys!

New to the forum, have been reading for a while but just decided to join up for a bit of advice! This is my first grow, a joint effort from me and the girlfriend. We're growing 5 autoflowers - super automatic sativas. :-P

I'll fill you in on the journey to this point... the grow started in a wardrobe with a mates 250watt hps, unfortunately we hadn't done much research before jumping right in! We potted in 5 litre pots with miracle grow potting mix (woooops)...after a bit of research it was obvious this was our first mistake due to the time release nutes in miracle grow. Anywho, we didn't appear to encounter any issues and they seemed real healthy. At 3-4 weeks, they had outgrown the cupboard...so we decided it was time for an upgrade... we transplanted into 3gallon smart pots using biobizz all mix soil for 3 of them, lightmix soil for 1, and a mix of the two for 1 more. We bought and moved them into a 1.2m grow tent and watched them do their magic. At this point we had fed 0 nutes due to the time release nutes in MG. We are watering with a ph of 6.5, the soil appears to be around 6.9-7 Could this be an issue?

The plants seemed healthy for a few days but we now appear to have some very yellow leaves appearing, it seems to be just the fan leaves and starting from the bottom and working its way up... I watered yesterday, with some added plant magic magne cal. 0.75ml per the 1.5litres I gave each plant. I was hoping that this would straighten up the issue, I guess its a bit more of a waiting game to see, can yellowing leaves ever return to green? I also thought it could be a nitrogen deficiency...?I believe the npk values in miracle grow aren't the most ideal for cannabis. What are your thoughts on this?

The plants are roughly 1 week into flower so it seems to early for the leaves to be yellowing and dying off!

On the one plant which started out a bit of a mutant, we seem to be having a few more issues, the yellowing of leaves is occurring but along with this they have brown dots all over and the leaves seem to be curling up! At first i thought it looked like nute burn from the miracle grow but it wouldn't make sense for this to start happening now, especially since they never showed any signs of this when they were only potted in MG as babys in the 5litre pots!
No nutes have been fed throughout this grow except for the magne cal yesterday. I'll attach pictures of the yellowing leaves and the brown spots so you can get a better idea of what I mean. I really hope someone can point me in the right direction. I've taken such a liking to these babies, it kills me to see them begging for help and me not knowing what to do! Thanks for reading :)




Well-Known Member
The tops of your plants look healthy!
It's normal for bottom leaves to die off as they receive less light as the plant grows up.
If you get yellowing on new growth, chances are it's a nute problem.
U seem to be doing fine.
Keep doing what you doing and you'll get some tasty homegrown!
Good luck and keep us posted!
P.S: Don't overdo the Nitrogen during flowering.it'll ruin the taste of your buds!do small doses of N and higher doses of P until probally 4 weeks from harvest!then just give the plant fresh H2O and small amounts of Mollassas to help your plant finnish off the available nutes left in the soil.

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
Looks great, maybe it needs a little nitrogen, but not much, as I believe the last pic shows some leaf burn. FYI: in pic number 7, there appears to be a photo ID that you might want to crop out.


im new to all this, but from my experience so far, the yellowing leaves at the bottom happen, and those other leaves look like it needs more calmag, i give 5ml per gallon