enough for lights?


damn thats expensive. cuz i was wanting to start planting like 50 plants and i would need at least 25 of those. Anywhere i could get them dirt cheap would be appreciated


Active Member
damn those are some ambitions, a 1000w light will grow more than two plants, i would start small and work your way up. who knows you might not have a green thumb.


Well-Known Member
You want to grow two plants... correct.
You have a grow area i'd imagine... how big is it
Don't start growing weed with an HID because you don't know if you can grow the plant yet.
Use CFL bulbs if you're only growing two plants ....
get three to four shoplights.. cords with light sockets attached to them
get about 9-13 y splitters
get two 5 packs of 23 watt. 100 watt equivilent Daylight compact flourecent light bulbs
get 1-3 65 watt compact flourecent light bulbs
Get 4 42 watt. soft white cfls
buy a couple of fans
buy a power strip surge protector
You can get them at Lowe's or home depot
write a list of the shit and give it to the guy to get for you
all will cost you about a hundred and some bucks .. Maybe
give some more info about your grow

I'm not telling you what to do ... but it seems as though your just beginning. You seem to want to spend money on an hid and you don't have to yet. You can go to wall mart and get the shit you need for lights.... It may all sound like a different language right now but you'll get it. go with a CFL grow. then work your way up. iyou wanna grow which is the important part. But just because they use hps light in the books and magazines doesn't mean you can handle one yet. and cfls are cheap and a good way to experiment.


Well-Known Member
um mate have u done any reading on the subject? metal halide bulbs (mh) are use at the vegging stage of your grow, in my own case thats around four weeks, they stop the plant from stretching and allow it to bush up a little before u put your plants into flowering, mh produces light in the blue range of the spectrum which is more like the sort of light the sun gives in springtime early summer. hps produces light in the red spectrum like sun light in mid summer to fall, ur plant will double maybe treble in size when exposed to this bulb. some hpsbulbs are 'dual spectrum' meaning that have a bit of both in them although it tends towards the red, these are what i use and if you can only afford one bulb/light set up its what to go for. theses bulbs produce a lot of heat (mh is the warmest) and u gotta make sure you get rid of that heat with extraction and if ur doin 50(!!!) plants ur gonna need a lot of bulbs, a lot of extraction and a shit load of carbon filters and odor control products or ur gonna smell like an arabs jockstrap. if u wanna grow 50 plants your gonna need a couple of grands worth of equipment. lights, reflectors and ballast,pots, watering cans,hoses, carbon filters,nutrients, soil, coco or hydro gear ....the list goes on buddy, have u never grown before mate? coz if u havent, and it sounds like u havent coz of the questions ur asking, i would suggest your aiming way to high far to fast. 50 plants is a major project even for a very experienced grower and if you dont plan it it right your fucked....


Well-Known Member
i use a grow tent btw , you can get the full set up from e bay a for a few hundred bucks, just jump on ebay and type 'grow tent kits'. saves a lotta hassle


Well-Known Member
Just get a 400hps, forget about experiemnting with cfl's, by the time you have bought enough you would be easier just buying a ballast and light. 400 is good to start with, no major heat issues and if you get an HPS bulb with dual spectrum you can basically get going for around 100 euros/$ or whatever currency you use. So you could use it from veg - flower. Something like a Philips Son T bulb. With HID bulbs you WILL need a ballast.

Number one rule when you start: Start cheap until you get your first harvest. Then feel free to spend. I seriously doubt if you get good seeds or genetics from clones that you won't be able to grow....it really isn't that hard, just require a modicum of common sense.

Good luck.
