epixbuds DIY cloner question


cant seem to find the damn red misting heads that he uses in the tek can anyone tell me where to get these???

also i can find the rubber grommets, but they dont have the lip on them like his do, they are just round with no lip. need the lip to insert into the rubbermaid so I need help here too.

finally the neoprene. i was told i could get all this stuff at thebigtomato.com but after checking the site, no dice!! so i need some help here as well. I am stranded in the middle of nowhere so any help would be great. the only people that come to see me is the ups man and the dopeman!!

i need a good link to get supplies from and i dont think epixbud wants to give me a link to his hydroshop.:cuss:



well i found everything i need and got it going, but it seems that when it fills with water it becomes a little to heavy to be able to hold itself in position. wants to go to one side or the other and sagging heavy in the middle. your tubing looks a little bit stiffer than mine. (that sounds fucked up) but really. by the shape of your fountain set up it appears that it is a little more rigid. do you have any of these problems?? is your tubing a harder or softer material??


it did work though! i cloned some green beans, tomatoes, and even a vine from a watermelon plant. wanted to try it out before i get REAL!! just dropped the water level to just a bit lower than where it is sagging. i would like to tweak it a bit with some better hose.


oh yeah by the way i just used the lid straight on like it is intended and cut as many holes as i could fit without the grid system so they are not in pretty lines or anything and i got 96 out of it. for the price of cloners on the market this is ridiculous cheap. Epixbud is the guy. forget all the questions and looking shit up and posting. if you want to grow and get good results and not spend an assload of money. just go look at what he has done. if you are using a different method, then you need to switch.LOL my opinion anyway, he has revolutionized the grow room. all other methods are for people that just want to go in there and mess around with shit and waste time. that is why i have such a small number of post. all i need he has up there!!!!