A few points about federal grow ops (growing on federal land).
* How accessable is the intended grow location
* How much human activity is present within 5km of the grow location (hunters, park rangers, towns, houses, roads, flight paths).
* Do you have a GPS
* Material Operational Requirements: wire mesh, chicken wire, large pots, soil, nutrients, 10 or 20 ltr water containers, clones, spades, wheel barrow
* Is your car up to it
* Can you drop things at a moments notice and do an emergency visit during hot weather
* Can you afford $ to visit once every 3-5 days
* Are people going to start asking questions about why you keep going out for trips to the forrest all the time
* Insects attacking plants
Water, Security and Elements are the greatest challenges of any type of operation.
Great points LOW, and perhaps the answers I give will enable you to advise what I do from here on out. I don't think my situation is optimum for this kinda thing, but I'm doing what I can:
*The grow location is not 100% known as of right now. I just went on google earth to pick out a few areas. Next weekend, or the following week I plan on scoping things out.
* No hunters, some park rangers, not much activity (newly dedicated park), and nearly no activity off the beaten path, no houses or towns in the forrest (haha), but a larger city (at least for this area) on the outskirts, and an airport bordering one side of the park.
P.S. Not really too concerned with fly bys. I only plan on doing 2-3 plants per spot. Not really noticeable from a plane
* No GPS
* Chicken wire, wire ties, shovels, spade, pots (although I don't intend to use it), soil, nutrients all available (although no wheelbarrow ... probably couldn't get it in there without suspicion anyway) but no water containers (was hoping not to use any?)
* Not worried about car. If it isn't up to it I'll have to get a different one anyway
* I will NOT be able to drop everything at a moment's notice. It's somewhat more feasible during the summer, but in the spring and the fall I have a busy work load.
* I was hoping to be able to visit once every two weeks. Hopefully not much more often than that. If that's the case I can afford to visit that often, but with both my work load and the distance involved, more often than that might not be reasonable.
* People may wonder. But I was thinking if I go hiking every weekend, or every other weekend, with the intention of doing like a 3 mile ruck sack run, people probably wouldn't question that. I have lots of hiking equipment. I used to do quite a bit of backpacking and camping. Plus, even if I don't grow, I'll still probably try hiking two or three times a month.
* Insect attacking plants? use pesticides? no offense, but I don't know where I'm supposed to go with that
I can already tell that water will be the largest concern for me. So I was hoping to plant near a water source, and add those water crystals into the land. Along with some Coco (that stuff absorbs water like a sponge, it's great).
Does that help at all?