Ethics of Guerilla growing on someone else's land

budy budman

Well-Known Member
That is the entire mentality behind why I started growing in the first place. Well, that and the fact that it's fun.

To me, it's safer to grow. You know what you are getting (not traced with anything else), and you arn't dealing with questionable people. I hear stories all the time about buying from some guy who said $X for an ounce, you show up and he wants $X times two for the ounce. You say no and he pulls out a gun.

That and you have to deal with legal issues when buying, so why not get a greater control over it with growing.

So I'm still throwing things around. Not sure what I'm going to do. I could always go for another spot, but there arn't TOO many secluded areas around here, it is kinda a suburb, so I don't know.
:leaf:I have heard many stories about people stummbling onto commercial growers plots and have never returned........ especially on the Big Island even in parts of Oahu. Another factor to consider????:leaf:Are you sure there are not other growers on that property who are growing for differnt reasons than yours??:weed:


Well-Known Member
I don't KNOW that other's don't use the land for growing.

I know that some people hunt there, it's appearently a popular spot to hunt for ducks and deer. But I've been watching the activity, I'll see what's up. Still don't know if I'm going to grow there, I might end up moving shortly, so we'll see.


Active Member
i think over 2000 people walk or drive past my spot every day it is out side and get almost 24 hours of light every day and i dont pay a penny for it

i also live in england so just think where is the best place

to be honist it depends on how you feel about grow because if somone was growing on my land i would'nt mind as long as they gave good nutes to their plants and saved me some smoke


Well-Known Member
I say go for it, you have yourself a pretty good "morale saftey net." you said the guy isn't even around, so even if your grow did get busted they can't link it to him, he's never there. Also; dude, your growing pot, this isn't like your delivering guns to the Taliban, your breaking a bogus law that prohibits people from using an herb, you should feel so lucky to even have an oppurtunity to grow this plant! Respect this guys land and grow some sweet smelling cheeba to share with your people!:peace:


Active Member
This is the way i think about it, your growing a plant, what harm can that cause him? some one mentioned that if the plants get found he will go to jail. This is not true, unless it is a big grow, DEA knows that people plant shit on other peoples land. if its 5 mil worth of land it should be big enough that you will go undetected. But shit if you can find some government land, thats prolly best because its public, and people wont think twice if they see you minding your own business. whereas people know that that plot of land is private