Sorry but have to get something off my chest:
There's just something screwy about this. That fucked-up crooked, racist law is working. That's what it comes down to. You're submitting to an unjust law.
What if you were busted smoking in your own home? The story might make the local paper, your neighborhood property value may go down. You'd be playing havoc with other people's lives...
What if some how the effects of smoking one night cause you to crash your car into a kindergarten playground the next day? You never know...
What if your Phish marijuana leaf poster blows off your wall, out your window, down the street and a baby chokes to death on it? Frightening to contemplate...
Well, perhaps I went a little too far in my comparison of what I though the potential punishments would be for the true owner of the land. I probably would not feel responsible if my plants led to an investigation, which led to the IRS busting him for tax evasion. I also probably wouldn't feel responsible if his wife left him. Bot of those probably (or do) involve actions he took before I got involved that set things in motion.
I think the marijuana scourge is just too hazardous. You can know about it, you can appreciate it, you can believe the law is unjust, but it's still the law, so apparently you better just give up and obey because--because of the unjust law---there is an ever so slight risk that you will indirectly effect somebody else.
Yes, it's all so simply black and white. How old are you?
Personally, I would prefer not to answer. If you really want to know I'll send a pm out, but I don't really see how this matters. I'm not 16 or 60. Old enough to own land, but not old enough to have accumulated the money to buy alot of it.
Sure there are people on here (like Cartman on the TP episode of South Park) who just think in terms of getting caught or not. But there is a difference between those people, and the ones who understand how to take a calculated risk in order to express their freedom in an unjust society. And then there's you! I don't think a person actually qualifies to grow marijuana if they aren't willing to take a calculated risk.
I'll look past the fact that it appears that your wording is intending to be an insult to me.
Other than that, I would agree with you in part, but disagree in part. Yes, doing anything illegal is simply a calculated risk, involving the consequences of getting caught compared to the rewards of not. But the problem that I have is that I would not bear the brunt of the consequences if the operation were busted. I could bear some of them, but there is a reasonable belief that the owner of the land would bear some, if not all of the potential consequences. If I'm incorrect, feel free to correct me. In addition to this, I would be benefiting from the activity, and the owner would benefit none.
So from a risk/reward ratio, the risk is rather low to me with the reward being somewhat elevated. Under that notion it would make sense to grow on his land. But if you take a look at the owner's risk/reward ratio, his risk is high in comparison to his reward (which is none). I think it's not right to press those odds on someone who is not partaking in the rewards, or given an option to weigh the risks with the rewards for himself.
That's why the best we can do to care for our fellows is to mitigate the risk as much as we possibly can, through hard work and careful planning.
The only alternative is to submit to the corruption of our government.
The only perfect answers are in math.
This actually makes perfect sense to me. If I understood the land enough to say that I reasonably anticipate that no one would stumble on the land, or had enough experience in growing outdoors that I could reasonably anticipate, and then mitigate the risks involved then I could say that I mitigated the owner's risks as low as possible, then it would be alright for me to grow on the land.
I don't have an intimate knowledge with the land. And I also do not have enough experience to be able to pick fool proof plots, and camo them well enough. Therefore I don't think the math is there.
Though I should add:
The most perfect answer that matches your absolutest view point is the one I suggested: Ask the land owner for permission.
If you are unwilling to do that, and you are unwilling to take a calculated risk, and you can't grow inside, and you don't want to grow at a park, then maybe we could figure something out with string theory, you know, worm holes, extra dimensions, etc.
I'm unwilling to ask the owner. It puts a little too much unknown risk to me. I don't know the guy, and I don't feel comfortable having him as a "grow partner" let alone knowing of my operation. It would be great if I could, but not as of now.
I've already spoke of the calculated risk (feel free to explain if I didn't calculate the risk properly). I don't think I have an ability to mitigate the risks involved, at least at this point in time. If I had a mentor to walk me through it, I would feel better about it. But all I have is E-mentors.
I can't grow inside, not right now at least. I need a break.
I WANT to grow at a park, but the closest big park is too far away to reasonably anticipate that I can visit it often enough to ensure the plant's growth is optimum, or the security is primo.
Again, thanks for the sarcasm, but I'll look past it as a form of insult.