Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Never grown shrooms before . Ate a hell of a lot of them in my time . Always wanted to grow them since first high times mag with the ad in the back to grow them

Shrooms in jars on brown rice are as straight forward as shrooms get, hard part is getting conditions right for fruiting. You can buy pre-sterilized jars that are ready to go, get ready-to-use spore syringes, some alcohol swabs and innoculate using oven tek....then build your shotgun tub for fruiting while you wait for fungus to colonize the rice.

For free or less than $10 you can buy roger rabbit’s mushroom growing vids - shows you step by step from beginner to advanced growing teks...

if you wanna grow them, jump at the opportunity to do a parallel with an experienced grower....dwc is childs play compared to growing shrooms....
Nice! Yeah the current setup is no good so I'm cool with trying it, will do that tonight.

I put my airhose holes in the side between top and waterline...i usually put at least 2 holes in the lid: net cup hole and 2” access hole..,never need to take off lid, til after harvest...