Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Damn bro. Wtf happened

Wasn’t watering with enough run off salt built up and locked my plants out. Then I got it corrected and pushed the too hard on the EC before it recovered. the good one with purple buds was the least effected should hurt me too bad but is what it is. Lesson learned first full auto grow as well as a first attempt at CoCoDTW so the learning curve got me this time won’t happen again though.
That’s no shit! I wasn’t watering to enough run off so it locked me out and then I pushed the EC too fast after I corrected it

You should always water to runoff at least every third watering just to replenish the cation exchange and avoid salt/waste buildup. Doesn't have to be everytime, but make it a habit to do so in any medium.
You should always water to runoff at least every third watering just to replenish the cation exchange and avoid salt/waste buildup. Doesn't have to be everytime, but make it a habit to do so in any medium.

Yeah I’m just going to do it from here on out. Also going to just run 2’autos at a time until I get a feed schedule for these nutes down.
Yeah I’m just going to do it from here on out. Also going to just run 2’autos at a time until I get a feed schedule for these nutes down.

Well you still have to be careful in coco. It'll hold a lot more potassium than anything else. That's why it got light and you thought it was mag. It was a buildup of K.

Whenever you have to flush in coco, you should flush with calmag and no K. That way, the calcium and magnesium load up and trade out for potassium as needed. Just a tip.
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Well fellas thats a wrap! Got alot of shit unpacked just got a little more to go at a later time. Had my mom dad and brother over ordered up some pizza blazed and smashed! Debating on taking this closet in the second bedroom and using that for flower and get rid of the 4x4 get something smaller for veg but I got time to decide. Hope yall had a good weekend!
Well you still have to be careful in coco. It'll hold a lot more potassium than anything else. That's why it got light and you thought it was mag. It was a buildup of K.

Whenever you have to flush in coco, you should flush with calmag and low K. That way, the calcium and magnesium load up and trade out for potassium as needed. Just a tip.
Man. That’s good knowledge. I see good knowledge posted a lot in here. Unsure how/wish I could remember it all.... that’s solid info there that honestly I probably will forget next week :/
Man. That’s good knowledge. I see good knowledge posted a lot in here. Unsure how/wish I could remember it all.... that’s solid info there that honestly I probably will forget next week :/
Screenshot bro... ive got a whole folder just for information! been doing that for awhile.. always something new to learn!