Ever gotin your pet high

ive gotten tons of animals high, and they all go back to theyre normal selfs after the normal high period

and if you wanna laugh your ass off for an hour or 2 get a duck high, they run around and its hilarious when your baked haha
o.k. this going to sound weird, but its all true. my friends used to have a racoon that we used to get high with us.it loved it. it liked weed so much that he ripped up and shredded a q.p. that was sitting behind the t.v. and ate most of it. the little shit used to still are pipes and any thing that look interesting to him. now hes gone. guess he got to stoned and forgot where home was!:mrgreen:
haha ganjagreen thats awesome
i wish i had a pot smoking racoonl
the wierdest thing ive ever got high was a 3 foot alligator haha
but racoon beats that i think tho
get my dog and cat high every day.... also got my farrets high when I had them......farrets suck
I get my dog high she is a lab. She hates the smoke but loves it 10 mins later when she is baked. Also got a friends 3 foot iguana high the other night. Then just random other peoples pets to at random times.:mrgreen::peace:

bongsmilie peeace
what the fuck is all your problems!!!!!!!!!!! you do not give animals drugs you fuck stains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:

animals do not understand drugs and the effects of them, if they were in the wild and ate a fucking mull plant they would learn never to go near them again, you know why because they dont have the need to fuck there minds up for simple pleasure!!!!!!!! making animals take drugs can fuck with their heads and cause major psychotic problems (ALOT MORE THAN PEOPLE) so the next time you think its funny to get your animal blitzed just hope that your animal doesnt turn around and bite someone's face off because they have a anxiety attack or severe bout of paranoia ...................:shock:

Animals do get fucked up naturally in nature dude..

It is one of the many things they share with humans trait wise.
bambam, my brendle pit bull, used tolove to be in the room chillin, didnt care for smoke tho, just the side effects, he would sleep for 30 mins or so then make a dazed dash for the food bowl.
I was with my cousins and afew friends hot boxing my cousins car and we took the cat in with us. he was so into it and went were the bong went. we were in there for a good 45 minutes to an hour just smoking and talking. ahhh good times :blsmoke:
I think its cruel to get your pets high or drunk. whether or not you think it hurts them they dont choose to do it. now if dogs somehow grew fingers in which they could hold a joint and puff it themselves then i see no harm in that. of course animals get high in the wild because they are wild. they eat what they find. but these are domesticated pets and personally i think its animal cruelty. but to each their own i suppose.

at least i would say that marijuana is less harmful than allowing them to drink beer. someone said that and that is cruel because it does harm your pet just the same way it would harm a human. see.... we have livers. so do they. and although are livers are strong enough to take many years of alcohol abuse...animals livers are not as strong and cannot digest it like a human can.

now i would stipulate that if you're just smoking weed in the same room as your pet and the smoke is in their face thats not really bad but if you're talking like locking them in a box or a cage and filling it with smoke or something like that then yes i would think thats pretty cruel. (and i only say that because i once knew a guy who did that to his cat and it was really mean.)
I think its cruel to get your pets high or drunk. whether or not you think it hurts them they dont choose to do it. now if dogs somehow grew fingers in which they could hold a joint and puff it themselves then i see no harm in that. of course animals get high in the wild because they are wild. they eat what they find. but these are domesticated pets and personally i think its animal cruelty. but to each their own i suppose.

at least i would say that marijuana is less harmful than allowing them to drink beer. someone said that and that is cruel because it does harm your pet just the same way it would harm a human. see.... we have livers. so do they. and although are livers are strong enough to take many years of alcohol abuse...animals livers are not as strong and cannot digest it like a human can.

now i would stipulate that if you're just smoking weed in the same room as your pet and the smoke is in their face thats not really bad but if you're talking like locking them in a box or a cage and filling it with smoke or something like that then yes i would think thats pretty cruel. (and i only say that because i once knew a guy who did that to his cat and it was really mean.)
i loved that movie! (super high me) but i never go to see the end :cry:
i found it online but the video had been removed :cry: if anyone knows where i can find it a link would be awesome!:grin:
i get my parakeets lit every night... they play on their jungle gym and eat a lot, then they settle down and watch the movie with everyone else. they get really pissed if i don't smoke them up... it's adorable.
i get my parakeets lit every night... they play on their jungle gym and eat a lot, then they settle down and watch the movie with everyone else. they get really pissed if i don't smoke them up... it's adorable.
do you get them high and just watch them for afew hours? sounds like it. :lol:
I think its cruel to get your pets high or drunk. whether or not you think it hurts them they dont choose to do it. now if dogs somehow grew fingers in which they could hold a joint and puff it themselves then i see no harm in that. of course animals get high in the wild because they are wild. they eat what they find. but these are domesticated pets and personally i think its animal cruelty. but to each their own i suppose.

at least i would say that marijuana is less harmful than allowing them to drink beer. someone said that and that is cruel because it does harm your pet just the same way it would harm a human. see.... we have livers. so do they. and although are livers are strong enough to take many years of alcohol abuse...animals livers are not as strong and cannot digest it like a human can.

now i would stipulate that if you're just smoking weed in the same room as your pet and the smoke is in their face thats not really bad but if you're talking like locking them in a box or a cage and filling it with smoke or something like that then yes i would think thats pretty cruel. (and i only say that because i once knew a guy who did that to his cat and it was really mean.)

I really dont think anyone is talking animal cruelty here. I think almost everyone who has told a story here mentions that the dog, cat, racoon, or whatever comes looking for a shotgun hit in the face. I tried kicking my cat out but she annoys the hell out of me till I give her a hit or two. My dog used to drink beer ( before my ex-girlfriend ran over him, RIP). I let the animal decide what it wants. The dog would knock over our beer and lap it up. So finally I just gave up and got tired of him knocking over bottles of beer and just put some in a dish for him. Not too much but that is what he wanted. Who am I to say the dog cant have a drink? Or my cat cant have a puff? It is obviously their choice. I am not forcing it on them, and actually I am glad when my cat doesn't want to puff because she is an annoying pain in the ass when I am just trying to chill and blaze.

I agree though, locking an animal in a box or something, where they cant leave now that is cruel.

I also don't think people should have caged birds. I think that is a little sick. That is like cutting off someones legs and putting them in a jail cell. But to each his own, I would never own one. Maybe those birds that dude mentioned want to get high because they are so depressed about being a caged bird, lol. :blsmoke:
I agree though, locking an animal in a box or something, where they cant leave now that is cruel.
don't get me wrong i totally agree, we smoke in the house all the time while the cat is following the pipe around, where ever it goes he goes so that one time we decided to bring him in the car with us, he didn't mind at all. trust me:lol::blsmoke:
don't get me wrong i totally agree, we smoke in the house all the time while the cat is following the pipe around, where ever it goes he goes so that one time we decided to bring him in the car with us, he didn't mind at all. trust me:lol::blsmoke:

Oh, I know dude, I wasn't referring to you. I used to clam my car with my drunken dog all the time. He loved it. I am just talking about people who stick a cat or other animal in a little box just to fill it with smoke and see what happens. If you already know your pet is a huge stoner then whatever.

Lol, I like how the your cat "follows the pipe" :mrgreen: