Ever gotin your pet high

My best girl Molly a springer spaniel/labrador mix use to luv getting high with me.

She would catch me toking and snuggle real tight with me until I gave her some.

I would cup my hands around her snout and exhale. She would not try to pull away and I could definately feel a suction from her inhaling.

In fact, she would give me this "attitude" if I didn't include her. She would stare at me and squint her eyes as if to say, "you know I wanted some too!".

A couple hours later we would raid the refrigerator. She would have her head in there checking out the lower shelves while I checked the freezer and the upper shelves.

She lived 14 years. One of the best damn girlfriends I've ever had. We hardly ever argued, and when we did I ALWAYS got the last word.
I think its cruel to get your pets high or drunk. whether or not you think it hurts them they dont choose to do it. now if dogs somehow grew fingers in which they could hold a joint and puff it themselves then i see no harm in that. of course animals get high in the wild because they are wild. they eat what they find. but these are domesticated pets and personally i think its animal cruelty. but to each their own i suppose.
I guess you blew right past my post regarding animals gorging themselves on fermented fruit, eh?
at least i would say that marijuana is less harmful than allowing them to drink beer. someone said that and that is cruel because it does harm your pet just the same way it would harm a human.
I guess you blew right past my post regarding animals gorging themselves on fermented fruit, eh? Where's your proof that a little beer is automatically harmful? I would put some of my dad's beer into the palm of my hand and the horses would SUCK it up. You know that saying, right? You can lead a horse to water.. and the rest is absolutely true, you can't make them drink. ;)
see.... we have livers. so do they. and although are livers are strong enough to take many years of alcohol abuse...animals livers are not as strong and cannot digest it like a human can.
Where's your proof of that assertion? Why would any other animal's liver be less strong than ours? Many animals, I'll use Crocodilians as an example, actually have superbly better immune systems and body functions compared to us. It is theorized that this is why they have evolved very little over the millenia.
now i would stipulate that if you're just smoking weed in the same room as your pet and the smoke is in their face thats not really bad but if you're talking like locking them in a box or a cage and filling it with smoke or something like that then yes i would think thats pretty cruel. (and i only say that because i once knew a guy who did that to his cat and it was really mean.)
I agree with this. Don't force ANYONE or anything to take the smoke. However, if they're seeking it out, why not share?
I really dont think anyone is talking animal cruelty here. I think almost everyone who has told a story here mentions that the dog, cat, racoon, or whatever comes looking for a shotgun hit in the face. I tried kicking my cat out but she annoys the hell out of me till I give her a hit or two. My dog used to drink beer ( before my ex-girlfriend ran over him, RIP). I let the animal decide what it wants. The dog would knock over our beer and lap it up. So finally I just gave up and got tired of him knocking over bottles of beer and just put some in a dish for him. Not too much but that is what he wanted. Who am I to say the dog cant have a drink? Or my cat cant have a puff? It is obviously their choice. I am not forcing it on them, and actually I am glad when my cat doesn't want to puff because she is an annoying pain in the ass when I am just trying to chill and blaze.

I agree though, locking an animal in a box or something, where they cant leave now that is cruel.

I also don't think people should have caged birds. I think that is a little sick. That is like cutting off someones legs and putting them in a jail cell. But to each his own, I would never own one. Maybe those birds that dude mentioned want to get high because they are so depressed about being a caged bird, lol. :blsmoke:

I have caged birds but they arent really caged. their doors are opened all the time. they can hop from cage to cage ect. but i dont get my birds high. birds are very sensitive to nearly everything including cleaning chemicals, smoke, teflon ect. so its just not safe to smoke em out!

I think beer is cruel just because its unhealthy for your pet. I used to be a vet tech and one time at the 24/hr ER clinic i worked at this guy brought in his dog cause it was literally dying and we asked if the dog had any strange diet or anything he wouldnt normally have and he said that he always gives his dog like 1-2 cans of beer a day. needless to say it wasnt too many xrays and scans later that we found out how ravaged his liver was because of that. I just think its mean if you love your pet so much to risk later in life him having health problems. I mean most people, especially with their dogs, want them to live as long as possible, so i would hate to know that i in any way shortened my pets life span. Just my personal opinion from seeing a lot of wreckless pet owners. thats all you see in an ER clinic.

and it sounds like you dont really like your cat very much. lol. geez.
I have caged birds but they arent really caged. their doors are opened all the time. they can hop from cage to cage ect. but i dont get my birds high. birds are very sensitive to nearly everything including cleaning chemicals, smoke, teflon ect. so its just not safe to smoke em out!

I think beer is cruel just because its unhealthy for your pet. I used to be a vet tech and one time at the 24/hr ER clinic i worked at this guy brought in his dog cause it was literally dying and we asked if the dog had any strange diet or anything he wouldnt normally have and he said that he always gives his dog like 1-2 cans of beer a day. needless to say it wasnt too many xrays and scans later that we found out how ravaged his liver was because of that. I just think its mean if you love your pet so much to risk later in life him having health problems. I mean most people, especially with their dogs, want them to live as long as possible, so i would hate to know that i in any way shortened my pets life span. Just my personal opinion from seeing a lot of wreckless pet owners. thats all you see in an ER clinic.

and it sounds like you dont really like your cat very much. lol. geez.

CANS of beer a day??? :shock: It was an occasional treat for my horses, very occasional, and sure as hell not an entire can or bottle. :lol:

All that being said, you should recommend people stop giving their pets pre-prepared human foods like chips and such. That'll kill them just as well, especially small dogs that develop diabetes and the like.
CANS of beer a day??? :shock: It was an occasional treat for my horses, very occasional, and sure as hell not an entire can or bottle. :lol:

All that being said, you should recommend people stop giving their pets pre-prepared human foods like chips and such. That'll kill them just as well, especially small dogs that develop diabetes and the like.

INDEED people think they are doing their pet a favor by feeding them what we eat when in fact they are killing them:hump:
funny story to this one. a few years ago me and a few friends were smokin in his car and we took his dog in there with us. the dog had a gap between his teeth so we put a blunt into it and it just chilled. anyway the dog was hittin that shit like a champ! afterwards we played with it for like an hour and the dog couldn't get enough of goin after fish in a river right by. anyway that dog had a great time and i know it cuz he could not stop playin around. i think some dogs like to get high and some dogs dont just like people.
Well... I guess we really don't. All we can do is make observations and extrapolate from there.

You know what I find fascinating, is the research showing the difference between other primates and dogs and how they relate (or don't) to humans. I watched as researchers were trying to determine if chimps could read our signals -- we look at something and point to it, showing them where the treat is. Chimps are unable to "figure it out", they don't read us. Dogs, on the other hand, DO. They read us every time. Of course, were they unable then dogs would not exist, as they are almost entirely a human contrivance.
CANS of beer a day??? :shock: It was an occasional treat for my horses, very occasional, and sure as hell not an entire can or bottle. :lol:

All that being said, you should recommend people stop giving their pets pre-prepared human foods like chips and such. That'll kill them just as well, especially small dogs that develop diabetes and the like.

of course. i always do. table scraps although probably not as harmful as beer i would say still isnt good for your doctor. ANY good VET will tell you not to give your animals table scraps or human food in general. if they dont, I'd be concerned about what else they lack knowledge about.

with my dogs the only time they've ever gotten table scraps is if something has dropped and they were quicker than me at getting it. with three dogs I have to be pretty fucking fast. and I wont lie... I give them the occasional slice of cheese. shoot me! :P
Tell this to my cat. She is a bigger stoner then I am. Damn I cant get away from her when I start roasting, she finds me. Like fdd said, she hears that lighter click and 'scratch, scratch, scratch. Damn cat bums more smoke from me then my friends do. She jumps up in my lap and purrs and puts her face right in the smoke. At first I tried kicking her out but now I just give up and blow her a few lung-fulls. Then she stretches out on the couch and purrs for an hour or so then she sleeps for an hour or so then...... strait to the chow bowl. Lol, my cat is the shit when she is stoned. Annoying as hell when she is sober though. I just wish the cat could pay for some of the green she puffs, lolbongsmilie

and why do you think your cat is so fucked up and a drug she doesnt understand, because idiots like you were the first to introduce it to them!! fuck its not like the cat would of found some dope got itself a bong and started charing up!!! take some fucking responsibility
well then, how do you explain catnip? my kitties love it and it gets them wasted. :blsmoke::peace:

catnip is a drugs MADE FOR CATS!!!! it has been studied and is ok for cats, they have not made pot for cats nor alcohol for cats, so dont give it to them.................. how hard is it really, would you give your children drugs when they have no idea what it is....??