Ever gotin your pet high

pierpressureAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhh blaze ran off some wereds came back was covered in bures and shit i dooono lol im doing good thos was going to smoke out with him and 4 buddys of mine but he ran off hes back now.i think hes fine thos
lol its a rainey day here in arkansas not letin my dog go out to smoke dont want him to get all wet we have a BIG ASS pond right behind my house.Helove to go in that and get all muddy and dirty and shit
My german shephard loves to eat my plants, she likes the smell of it, and decided to work on eating the cannabis, see if it worked as well! lol
Many animals, I'll use Crocodilians as an example, actually have superbly better immune systems and body functions compared to us. It is theorized that this is why they have evolved very little over the millenia.

Except for our brain, the rest of our body and our senses are inferior to animal-equivalent parts. If humans had the same strength to weight ratio as an ape, we could bench press a car.
Except for our brain, the rest of our body and our senses are inferior to animal-equivalent parts. If humans had the same strength to weight ratio as an ape, we could bench press a car.

hmmmmm some 1s ben watchin animal planet the most extreme??? lol:peace:
do they really get high seriously now id just be outright pissed off if someone was blowing smoke in my face for no reason
poor flower, i love meerkat manor too... I thought I was a freak for watching it... they are bastards though, hmmm
i like bastards i guess, YAY for bastards!!! lol
lol ya i would be blowin smoke in to thir hole lol!!! hella clam bake lol its funny as hell when that fight lol lil mearkats lol how are they bastards????
Never got a animal stoned but damn do i want to, i swear ive seen the cat come out of my brothers room wrecked but who knows ey. Theres always tommorow. :joint:
My cat, Ziggy, loves it, He jumps in my lap looking for the shotgun every time, Then i can see him exhale thru his nose, Hell he doesnt even cough anymore. Hes the only person I have to smoke with.
lol wtf i just thought of this wat if our pet were people comeing back as animals??? lol thir all pot head stoners loL!!!
This one time my friend and I were smoking a blunt on some train tracks and we saw a caterpillar. Then we put the roach by its head and it suddenly stopped dead in its tracks and like 1 min later it rolled over and fell on the ground. It was priceless!
poor flower, i love meerkat manor too... I thought I was a freak for watching it... they are bastards though, hmmm
i like bastards i guess, YAY for bastards!!! lol

I know! I love how they band together, though. I actually got all teary when I read that Flower had died... man, I'm pathetic. XD

The thought of stoned meerkats scares me. o_o;
fuck that its animal crulity -- if isaw anyone forcing a pet ot get high id call the cops on em --- im an animal lover... they are family man -- I woudlnt give my kid weed and blwo it in their mouth.

I wont evern get high in my hosue because i have pets -- il lstand outside.