Ever gotin your pet high

Labs are smart dogs, loyal and very devoted too...

I asked my what he thinks about my girl-kitty's liking of weed and he said she probably just likes the smell. She certainly KNOWS the smell, but what gets me is how she sticks her face in the smoke if I blow it away from her. I don't think she'd take well to a shotgun hit, though. She weighs about 6lbs, so I'm guessing inhaling just a bit of smoke does wonders for her.

My cat does the same thing! I blow a shotgun his way and he breaths that shit in. He loves it, I don't hold my cat he just loves to the smell of the weed I guess. Then we veg out on the couch for a while!
I have 2 dogs, one old and one young. My older one loves sitten all up next too me when I'm blazing. I don't need to blow it in her face, she leans in and takes little sniffs. :joint:
My younger one never liked to sit by me when I was smoking.....UNTIL.... One day I carelessly dropped a quarter of some mid grade and didn't notice right away..... about a half hour later I went to look for it and all I found was the baggie ripped in shreds and no buds found anywhere. I scowered high and low but the suspect was hiding in her bed cause she thought she was in trouble. I laughed and about a half hour later I watched her get the munchies and inhale her food ....Then she laid down for a good 5-6 hour power nap. Now everytime I have some on me she smells it and pokes at my pocket like she wants some.
Catnip was made for cats thats why god named it catnip duh!!

J/k catnip is hundreds of different plants in the nepata genus. The most common is nepata cateria. You can smoke or make tea with it it's very relaxing. I guess my point is cats like it because it gives them a buzz, which tells me animals like to get high. Pugz is an asshat "catnip is made for cats" ok by that logic marijuana is made for cats too because they like it. Any plant is here for anyone or any species that enjoys it, weed was made for me. My dogs like to get high and it is not cruel, marijuana is put here for eveyone and everything. It's cruel to bogart the weed while your pet is patiently waiting, thats like holding a treat over it's head and not giving it up.

just my thoughts

i was smokin with my friend i had like 8 nugs on a ice cream bucket and i was sitting on the couch and we are loading up the bong and been smokin and we are high then all of a sudden i see the dog sitting on by me on the other side of the weed just snackin down on somethin im like wtf and i look at my weed theres like 3 nugs gone and that dog after that it lays on the chair were we were smokin and just lays down not moving for nothing and my friend would like move fast at it and it would like flinch and shit then it threw up twice on the chair it was sick
My cat is really fiesty so Im scared to get him really high. Im afraid he'll go claws on me and get all paranoid. But one of these days im going to.
Gotten many of the birds we have had stoned not on purpose but just coz we sit outside at the table n have our billy's n the cages are next to the table :P
This post has taught me that birds get drunk AND stoned!

Does anyone know what a ferret is like stoned? I think that'd be fucking AWESOME.
i got an old room mates ferret high. he kinda did a head dragging thing for a little but that was it.

ps: it kills hornets if in a confined space....say a sobe bottle perhaps.....sorry "stingy"!
ive tried to get my pets high but i dont think it works and my rott/shepherd hates the smoke so i dont blow it at him anymore but we fed him a bunch of butter when we were at this cabin on the river for the weekend and he got low i mean fucking low he wouldnt get out of the couch to eat a piece of steak i was holding up
wtf dose butter do?? god weed in it hash butter lol i would liek to have a ferret.lol i bet thir all over the wall then thir high lol i wonder if shrooms and all have the same eff on dogs and all??? lol gotta try it lol brb im going to buy 3 grams of shrooms lol
the doggy bone they make just gets him high and very lazy, keeps him from getting too wound up too.

im not sure if i would ever give a dog any trips.

if you do, dont feed him all three.

yikes or none and all and just hang with the pup while you trip.