Ever had the sh#t scared out of you


Active Member
Thought I would start this thread to hear a few stories as the title came to me earlier as i was nice and stoned in the kitchen making something to eat,I had my head in the fridge humming to myself and when i stood up my father was standing right beside me ,I jumped across the kitchen:shock: I didn't even hear him open the door and walk in ,the mo fo I nearly shit a brick lol he was laughing his fat ass off
So anybody have a similar story :joint:


Well-Known Member
A few years back when i was young and stupid, i was a professional walmart/meijers shoplifter. I knew every trick in the book, i must have taken thousands of dollars worth of stuff. I dont know why but the anxious excited feeling you get when you walk out the door with something you didnt buy was just an addiction to me. So one day i needed gas money; And i had used up all 3 of my my returns at walmart so i asked one of my friends to help me out. We walked around and fantasy shoped, i walked in the clothing and found two t-shirts that where 19.99 each. I took the hangers out and put the shirts under my coat that was setting in the cart. And a cheep 12 pack of soda to buy. so we bought the soda and walked out the door. Then we walked back in the other door and went to customer services to return the shirts. He said his gf had got the shirts for him and they didnt fit so he just wanted to return them. They took his i.d. and punched it in the pc like they always do when you dont have a receipt. everything was good, i got some gas and we parted ways. Now when i got home, i got a text from my friend that said something along the lines of "They cought us on camera and they had my id, where so fucked man, im sorry but i told them where you live and the cops should be at your house any minute" I was scared shitless! At first i was sure i was a joke, but who would joke around like that? I called him 3 of 4 times and when he didnt answer his phone i was shitting bricks. But it was a joke. And man, i was pissed.


Active Member
A few years back when i was young and stupid, i was a professional walmart/meijers shoplifter. I knew every trick in the book, i must have taken thousands of dollars worth of stuff. I dont know why but the anxious excited feeling you get when you walk out the door with something you didnt buy was just an addiction to me. So one day i needed gas money; And i had used up all 3 of my my returns at walmart so i asked one of my friends to help me out. We walked around and fantasy shoped, i walked in the clothing and found two t-shirts that where 19.99 each. I took the hangers out and put the shirts under my coat that was setting in the cart. And a cheep 12 pack of soda to buy. so we bought the soda and walked out the door. Then we walked back in the other door and went to customer services to return the shirts. He said his gf had got the shirts for him and they didnt fit so he just wanted to return them. They took his i.d. and punched it in the pc like they always do when you dont have a receipt. everything was good, i got some gas and we parted ways. Now when i got home, i got a text from my friend that said something along the lines of "They cought us on camera and they had my id, where so fucked man, im sorry but i told them where you live and the cops should be at your house any minute" I was scared shitless! At first i was sure i was a joke, but who would joke around like that? I called him 3 of 4 times and when he didnt answer his phone i was shitting bricks. But it was a joke. And man, i was pissed.
Thats funny shit , once I had my girlfriend tell me she rang the cops and me I laughed at her and 20 mins later 4 cops escorted me out of the house :shock:


Active Member
one night when i was around thirteen i slept over my friends house. i'd only known this kid for a few weeks at this point. so we go and t.p. our friends house come back to his house eat some stuff then its time to go to bed. my friend goes into his room and i go to his guest room with my own bed. i lay there in the dark trying to go to sleep but the room smells weird. kind of like mildew/fermented garbage. the smell would come in short gusts and it was hard to ignore. the blankets were very scratchy and stiff. reminded me of wax paper. about 20 minutes in i go to turn over and open my eyes and there is a dark figrure standing at the foot of the bed making panting/tapping sound. i am parazed with fear. the thing stops as if it knows i see it. it then lets out a screech like that of a severley displeased child with mental retardation. at this point i am microseconds from shitting my pants as it runs out of the room. I lay in bed and sweat and shiver until i go to sleep. i wake up and everyone is gone. i look around the house for my friend and i search in this one bedroom. it looks like a little kids room with stuffed animals,orange and pink walls. but there is a king sized bed. with a huge bald man thing in it. it hears me enter the room and turns over and gos rahhhhh!!!!!! DFah! i go WTF and run out of there and walk back to my house. anyway moral of the story is kid had a weird brother. we didnt hang out much after that
Thats fucked up I wouldn,t have slept all night lol

I was thinking more of stories of being frightened while being high in a world of your own and someone sneaking up on you but great stories anyway,does anybody else have any tales to tell ?


Well-Known Member
one night when i was around thirteen i slept over my friends house. i'd only known this kid for a few weeks at this point. so we go and t.p. our friends house come back to his house eat some stuff then its time to go to bed. my friend goes into his room and i go to his guest room with my own bed. i lay there in the dark trying to go to sleep but the room smells weird. kind of like mildew/fermented garbage. the smell would come in short gusts and it was hard to ignore. the blankets were very scratchy and stiff. reminded me of wax paper. about 20 minutes in i go to turn over and open my eyes and there is a dark figrure standing at the foot of the bed making panting/tapping sound. i am parazed with fear. the thing stops as if it knows i see it. it then lets out a screech like that of a severley displeased child with mental retardation. at this point i am microseconds from shitting my pants as it runs out of the room. I lay in bed and sweat and shiver until i go to sleep. i wake up and everyone is gone. i look around the house for my friend and i search in this one bedroom. it looks like a little kids room with stuffed animals,orange and pink walls. but there is a king sized bed. with a huge bald man thing in it. it hears me enter the room and turns over and gos rahhhhh!!!!!! DFah! i go WTF and run out of there and walk back to my house. anyway moral of the story is kid had a weird brother. we didnt hang out much after that
LOL, dam man. Reminds me of the retard off the goonies.


Active Member
it was kind of like the guy from the goonies. but it had hair on the sides of his head like a middleaged balding man. he was wearing this creepy fuzzy pink sweater and whitey tighties with yellowish stains on them and dirty tube socks. he looked well over six feet laying in his bed. i dont know what i did to anger him. his yell was so scary. like he got hit with a bat to the head or something. RARRW derUH! still scares me to think about it
Maybe you were in his bed did you check it for yellow stains lol


Active Member
well the thing is. i was sleeping on my back and so all he had to do was squat. now he's persian so this was not pleasant to look at and it smelled god awful. he hadn't showered in days he said. so i open my eyes and theres this raunchy gape in my face and it opens to fart but a little shit dribbles out followed by a poop chunky flopping out only to land yes... right in my mouth. fucking bullshit morning
Good god, that is disgusting.


Active Member
well the thing is. i was sleeping on my back and so all he had to do was squat. now he's persian so this was not pleasant to look at and it smelled god awful. he hadn't showered in days he said. so i open my eyes and theres this raunchy gape in my face and it opens to fart but a little shit dribbles out followed by a poop chunky flopping out only to land yes... right in my mouth. fucking bullshit morning
OMFG :shock: :spew::spew::spew:
I hope you bleached your mouth :?:o:shock::spew::spew: